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Anglade seeks to close families of CHSLD victims – Montreal


The exchanges became more tense in the question period as some Quebec MNAs turned to personal attacks. Controversy has raged especially over calls for an independent investigation into epidemic deaths in long-term care homes.

Read more: Legault under fire as opposition seizes explosive report on COVID in care homes

On Thursday, Liberal leader Dominic Engled broke down in tears as she explained her very personal reason for fighting so hard.

For weeks, multilateral opposition has risen in question period to demand that the government account for the thousands of tragic deaths in long-term care homes. They even formed a common front to demand an investigation – similar to the Charbonneau Commission – but to investigate what happened in CHSLDs during the pandemic.

“We need to know. We were the jurisdiction in Canada most affected. We lost 10,000 people. I mean they didn’t die for nothing,” Engled told reporters.

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The Coalition of Avenir Quebec (CAQ) says Anglade has gone too far in her comments and in her accusations that the government is hiding something. During Wednesday’s question period, I asked Prime Minister François Legault how he was not aware that CHSLDs had become “slaughterhouses”.

On Thursday, leaders of the Liberal House of Representatives and the CAQ appealed to the Speaker of Parliament to restore order in the National Assembly. They accused each other of violating the code of conduct.

However, Englade made it clear that for her this issue is not just about politics – it’s personal.

“I know what it feels like to lose someone you love in a terrible situation. What I can say to people who have lost my family members is that I can connect with them, and I know how that helps to know the truth,” she said.

She lost her parents in the 2010 Haiti earthquake. She said reading the final report about what happened to them is what made her shut down.

“It’s not necessarily something you really want to find out. But when you find out, you are able to move on,” she said.

Read more: Premier Legault questioned about Quebec’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis

The government says an independent commission is not necessary because there are two other investigations underway: one by the coroner and one by the health commissioner.

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Opposition parties say they do not have the same scope as the General Committee.

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.





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