A swarm of earthquakes rushes off the coast of Oregon | News
A swarm of undersea earthquakes of magnitude 3.2 to nearly 6 have occurred hundreds of miles off the coast of Oregon over the past several days.
The quakes began on Tuesday, December 7, and as of Friday, December 10, approximately 90 earthquakes were recorded approximately 200 to 300 miles west of the Newport Cowes Bay area and about 10 kilometers, according to the Oregon Office of Emergency Management (OMI). ).
In the following conversation, OMI Geohazards Program Coordinator Althea Rizzo gives us insight into earthquakes and what they mean.
Newsguard: What is the significance of this last swarm of earthquakes, what causes them and is it a warning of a strong earthquake coming?
Althea Rizzo: This is an area with a lot of earthquakes, even more than the San Andreas Fault. The Pacific plate rushes through the Juan de Fuca plate causing fairly frequent small earthquakes. We are in a period of increased activity, but these earthquakes do not pose a danger to Oregonians. The seismic zone is very far from the Cascadia subduction zone, so there are no increased risks from a Cascadia event.
The News Guard: You’ve told us in previous interviews that the area off the coast of southern Oregon is a frequent area of earthquakes. Is it the Blanco fault zone and what is the difference between this zone and the larger and more violent zone that we are told could lead to a massive earthquake?
Rizzo: Yes, this is the Blanco fault zone. The Cascadia subduction zone is the area we are concerned about. Subduction zones, where one plate sinks under the other, can cause major earthquakes and tsunamis.
The News Guard: We heard there’s an active volcano under the sea in the same area and that’s causing a swarm of earthquakes. Is this correct?
Rizzo: This area has thermal vents, but there is no specific volcano in the area. There were undersea volcanoes on the western edge of the Juan de Fuca plate hundreds of miles away.
The News Guard: Do you find that despite these earthquakes and educational campaigns to help prepare people, the truth is that many are still not prepared?
Rizzo: Anytime we have earthquakes that catch the public’s attention, it’s a great time to remind people that earthquakes can happen at any time. It is important that families and families are prepared to be alone for a few weeks. Just talking about the potential dangers is the start of Cascadia being ready.
The News Guard: What’s your final advice to people about getting ready?
Rizzo: Preparing for a major earthquake does not require; Oregon is also subject to floods, fires, ice storms, and hurricane winds. Most people like to be more prepared for emergencies and disasters but don’t make the time or don’t know where to start. Often, just taking the first step toward being prepared is the hardest part. The holidays can be a great time to introduce low-cost/no-cost preparation into the lives of friends and family. Some ideas include:
make a plan. The most important first step to disaster preparedness is having a plan. FEMA offers many free preparation products that can be downloaded or ordered from their website.
Stock up on an emergency kit. Emergency kits are essential when a disaster strikes. Help your loved ones start their business with a few essentials: Flashlights, extra batteries, cell phone chargers, and manual can openers are all essential to making great stocking stuffers.
Include children. The OEM has published several Dark Horse comics describing what to do during specific disasters. These can be obtained through county emergency management offices, or you can download them from the OEM website. Most kids will also find a battery operated or manual weather radio great.
Subscribe to emergency notifications. Make sure your loved ones are registered with OR-Alert. Print the website on a holiday card and add it to stocking, or take a moment to record it when they come to celebrate the holiday.
Create a community. Handing cookies to your neighbors? Use this time to chat about your contingency plans. This would also be an excellent time to introduce him to basic errands for older neighbours, who have mobility problems or are at increased risk of severe illness.
The News Guard: What are the best online resources people can visit to get more details about Oregon earthquakes and how to better prepare?
The News Guard: Feel free to add any other comments you may have.
Rizzo: It’s important to know that you can better prepare for emergencies with a little planning. Prepare doesn’t have to be expensive. Start by searching around your home for the things you’ve already done and organize them. Earthquakes have no season, but winter storms are coming.
Sources 2/ https://www.thenewsguard.com/news/swarm-of-earthquakes-rumble-off-oregon-coast/article_f23ccb18-59e6-11ec-9258-cb53079c5e14.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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