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Person 1: Creating the future of Haiti |

Person 1: Creating the future of Haiti |
Person 1: Creating the future of Haiti |


The earthquake that hit southwest Haiti in August mostly affected the rural population, and it is clear that farmers are affected a lot.

Many lost their homes and stores of grain and seeds that collapsed due to the earthquake. Some farmers’ lands were also damaged by landslides. In some cases, cracks can be seen when the ground has opened up.

FAO supported farmers in Jeremy long before the earthquake, but our work here is now as important as ever. Agriculture has always been very important in the fabric of Haitian society.

United Nations Haiti / Daniel Dickinson

Myklerange Balmir from the Food and Agriculture Organization, outside Jeremy.

the bridge

The bridge out of the city was damaged and so trucks could no longer pass, so it became very difficult for farmers to sell their produce in large markets such as the capital, Port-au-Prince. Their grain and vegetables must be carried across the bridge on foot if they are to be exported.

Then there’s the security situation in Port-au-Prince, where the inland and outbound roads are closed off, so even if the trucks can get out of Jeremy, the goods may not make it into town.

Therefore, a lot of food has been wasted because it is impossible to sell it to consumers in other parts of the country. As a result, many farmers have lost their money and are now more vulnerable than before. And any goods that come to Jeremy from anywhere else is more expensive, so the cost of living goes up for all people.

At Jérémie we encourage the local production of food for local consumption as well as the cultivation of seeds.

United Nations Haiti / Daniel Dickinson

The bridge to Jeremy was closed to vehicles after it was damaged in the earthquake.

Women’s Cooperative

We support a women’s agricultural cooperative, a group of 63 women who work the land together to bring in a variety of organic vegetables. It’s early in the season and today they are planting tomatoes and hot peppers that will grow along with the cabbage.

They share the harvest and eat what they need and then sell the rest in the city where they can get good prices. You can watch women walking across the bridge with products stacked in baskets high on their heads. They do not need to spend money on transportation. Any money they save can be invested in the savings credit union the organization helped them set up.

United Nations Haiti / Daniel Dickinson

Agriculture Society member, Pierre Liebert, works alongside other members in the cultivation of black bean seeds.

organic seeds

The FAO has also trained an association of 120 farmers in Jeremy to grow high-quality organic seeds for their own use and also for distribution to other vulnerable farmers, many of whom lost their stocks in the earthquake.

Seed production is a very technical process, so these growers have become specialists. This season they grow black beans, but they are also adept at growing corn, cassava, and potatoes. The majority of the seeds will be purchased by FAO, so the hard work of one farming community will benefit others, especially vulnerable communities.

This approach builds resilience and helps farmers recover when a natural disaster such as an earthquake strikes. This area also has its share of hurricanes and droughts, so it’s important for growers to be well prepared.

I love working with farmers; They are always committed to their land. They work hard and struggle despite many setbacks. They believe in Haiti’s future and I am proud to support them as they continue to develop.




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