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Earthquake Alert – Newspaper – DAWN.COM

Earthquake Alert – Newspaper – DAWN.COM


Makran is a coastal region in Balochistan that stretches over 772 kilometers, including Gwadar, Turbat, and Bangor. On the morning of November 28, 1945, it was hit by a very devastating 8.1-magnitude earthquake. The earthquake triggered a devastating tsunami that killed about 4,000 people. It has been more than 75 years since the catastrophic tsunami, and according to the geological timescale of the Makran subduction zone, another earthquake may strike the region in the future.

A major earthquake in the Makran region could trigger a towering tsunami in the coastal regions of Balochistan and Sindh. In this scenario, the cities of Pasni, Ormara and Gwadar are likely to be hardest hit due to their proximity to the subduction zone, the region where two tectonic plates meet and generate seismic activity. Likewise, Karachi, the economic hub and the most populous city, could also suffer serious damage.

Since 1483, at least seven major earthquakes have been recorded in the Makran region. There were also two coastal events in 1851 and 1864 during which Gwadar faced widespread devastation. In 1851, according to the director of the Makran Coast and Sea Lightning Administration, the magnitude of seismic activity was so great that an entire hill – with men and camels – disappeared into the sea.

The subduction zone near the coast of Balochistan, also known as the Makran Trench, is located 50 km from the city of Makran. Research indicates that activity in the subduction zone worsens over time due to increased stress on tectonic plates that may cause parts of them to collapse, shift, or vibrate, potentially leading to a catastrophic tsunami.

Given this scenario, relevant authorities, including the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and the Meteorological Department, should start monitoring emergency preparedness. The first step should be to install early warning towers across the most seismically active areas. This will give the authorities as well as the public some time to reduce damage to life and property.

Salman Ghazi

Medical errors: This is in reference to the editorial of “The Reality of AIDS” (December 5). I would add that not only AIDS, but also some other critical diseases spread from malpractice across the country, such as unscreened mother-to-fetal blood transfusion, improperly sterilized surgical equipment, reuse of

from infected needles. In Sohbatpur, hepatitis B and C are also common due to such malpractices. The competent authorities should be aware of this dangerous situation.

Abdul Jabbar Qula Quetta

Garbage system: There is no proper garbage collection and waste management system in the small town of Bhawana in Chiniot District. People throw rubbish into the streets, causing harmful diseases and disrupting sanitation. This practice also increases air and water pollution. The Municipal Committee needs to take prompt action in this regard.

Acceptable world Bahwana

Dangerous adventures: According to data from Rescue 1122, about 83 percent of road accidents are caused by reckless motorcyclists. As a common note, the majority of motorcyclists are youngsters, often indulging in unnecessary adventures, such as racing and all-wheel drive, for the fun and excitement that sometimes leads to tragic endings. It is the parents’ responsibility to prevent their children from such acts, while the traffic police must curb such practices on the roads at all costs.

Adel Ahmed Malik Rawalpindi

RAILWAY LINE: Since the revival of the Karachi Circular Railway (KCR), the railway has blocked access to the Drigh Road assembly area. As a result, people have to take a long alternate route to reach their respective destinations. One can imagine the additional cost of fuel when this happens several times each day. The relevant authorities are required to adopt the case and facilitate our lives.

Saeed Akhtar GondalKarachi

Posted in Dawn, December 17, 2021




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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