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A friend of Laurie Fallow Daybell says that Laurie believes the earthquake will distract investigators from missing children


Laurie Fallow Daybell believed that a natural disaster would distract investigators from the disappearance of her two children, Joshua “J.J.” Fallow, 8, and Tyl Ryan, 17, a woman who described herself as Laurie’s close friend in a new interview.

“[Lori] “I thought that there would be an earthquake that would strike so hard in Utah by the end of 2019 that they wouldn’t notice anything in her personal life,” Melanie Gibb told NetEdton to in a large-scale domain. Interview.

Jeep said that she once shared Lori and her fifth husband, Chad Dibble, eventually religious beliefs but was disappointed amid the ongoing search for Lori’s missing children and investigations into three deaths about the couple: their ex-husbands, Tammy Dibble and Charles Fallow, and Lori’s brother, Alex Cox .

“When you look at the circle of people surrounding Chad and Lori, there are five dead or either missing,” Jeep said.

Jeep Jeep described the Chad and Lurie relationship as a “fatal attraction” formed by their shared beliefs.

“I often see [Chad] Like a hand and [Lori] Jeep said: “As a puppet in the hand, they are two people who have a lot of passion for a lot of things and think alike alike, regarding spiritual ideas.”

Gibb said that these ideas include having a past life, and that Chad and Laurie play a special role at the end of the world.

“They thought they were the head of the 144,000,” Jeep said, referring to a passage from the Bible from the Book of Revelation from a group of people chosen by God. “They thought this was what their mission was.”

Jeep said that she met Laurie in October 2018 when she attended Laurie for an evening class as Jeb was studying at the Church of Jesus Christ in a recent days saints building in Gilbert, Arizona.

Several weeks later, Jeb and Lori attended the same conference in St. George, Utah, where Chad was speaking, as Jeb said, and Lori went to Chad and had a conversation.

Soon after meeting them, Jeep told Chad Lori that they were married in their past lives. But in this life, Chad and Lori also got married – different people. Jeep said, however, that Chad and Lori quickly became nearby, and one of the three mobile phones that Lori used was only for Chad.

Jeep said: “She had a private phone that would contact her and Chad and he had a private phone outside his cell phone number, so it was only for their personal contacts.”

Gibb said Chad had also told her that he had made a “gate” in Lori’s locker so that the two could have “spiritual interaction”.

Jeep said: “The portal is something he created for it, and I don’t know exactly how it did it.” “It is just a place where a prayer, or the words it uses to create this portal.”

A document written by Laurie’s sister-in-law, Ian Polowski, describes Laurie’s alleged belief in the existence of “zombies” and “teleportation” and people “possessed by a demon”.

Jeep said that both Lori and Chad believed that their husbands, Charles and Tammy, would die in car accidents, allowing them to be together. But while neither Charles nor Tammy died in a car accident, they died within months.

Lowry’s fourth husband, Charles, was killed by Lowry’s brother, Alex, while he was picking up JJ on July 11. Alex claimed that he had shot in self-defense and had not been charged in the accident. Charles’s death is still under investigation.

Lori moved to Rexburg two months later, and Jeep said that she came to stay with her friend from September 19 to 23. During that time, Gibb said she was walking with Chad and Lori where they were affectionate with each other, despite the fact that Chad was still married to Tammy.

A few weeks later, Tammy was found dead at her home on October 19. Chad and Lowry got married weeks later in Hawaii.

Jeep said she learned of Tammy’s death through a friend who viewed her on Facebook.

“I didn’t know how to do it, but I knew it was part of the plan, that [Tammy] Gibb said: “She was supposed to be gone. I mean, others knew that she was going to die because Chad had known this information for some time.”

This is consistent with what Chad’s ex-girlfriend, Julie Roux, told Ru published several books with Chad.

She told “Three weeks before Tammy’s death, he told me, and it was in this frustrating voice,“ My plan cannot move forward until Tammy dies ”or“ until Tammy dies. ”Chad was referring to his“ life plan, ”or God’s plan for him.

“I was disappointed,” said Roe, a writer writing about her vision and near-death experiences. “Because if anyone understands how a person’s plan works, people do not object to our plan. Our plans are our plans, especially our husbands, and we are married to them for some reason.”

While Tammy was sentenced to natural causes, her body was exhumed and the results of the autopsy are still pending, according to the authorities. Tammy’s death is still under investigation.

Chad and Lowry are now under investigation by the Idaho Prosecutor’s Office for “conspiracy and / or attempted murder and / or murder”. Neither Chad nor Lori have been charged with any crime related to Tami’s death, and both deny any wrongdoing.

Jeep said she believed Lori and Chad’s desire to outrun everything else.

Jeep said: “Sometimes, when we really want something, this is how we fall.” Sometimes the answer is no, wait, but the boy was doing [Lori] They have no patience. This is something she had no patience. Unfortunately, this has led to gravity.

After more than seven months, the FBI’s multi-state investigation continues into the whereabouts of JJ and Tylee. Police said again and again Lori knows where the children are or what happened to them but she refused to tell the authorities.

Lowry is currently held on a $ 1 million bond in prison in Rexburg and faces two counts of desertion for a child’s felony, misdemeanor accusations of resisting and obstructing an officer, and seeking crime and contempt, according to Madison County, Idaho, Attorney General. Desk. Headquarters. center. Lowry pleads not guilty and denies all allegations of wrongdoing.

In front of her attorney, Mark Mines, until next week to inform prosecutors if he “intends to raise any mental condition” while defending her in the case.

Lowry is scheduled to appear in court on July 9 and 10 in an initial hearing. Means did not respond to’s requests for comment.

The Rexburg Police Department requires anyone with information related to the location or care of JJ and Tylee contact the department at 1-208-359-3000 or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) at 1-800-THE-LOST.

JJ has brown hair and brown eyes, is 4 feet long and weighs 50 lbs. According to the authorities, he has autism and “may need medical care”. Tylee has blonde hair and blue eyes, is 5 feet long and weighs 160 lbs.

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