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Mysterious shaking reported in San Diego for the third time in 2021 – NBC 7 San Diego

Mysterious shaking reported in San Diego for the third time in 2021 – NBC 7 San Diego


For at least the third time in 2021, occupants of homes and businesses in San Diego late Tuesday morning were startled by a sudden, unexplained tremor.

Residents reported that they felt a brief violent tremor at 11:36 am in the Mission Hills and San Carlos neighborhoods of San Diego, as well as in Sante and El Cajon in East County.

Soon after the disturbing incident, many San Diegan residents took to Twitter and other social media platforms. One person tweeted, “San Diego is great bc like oh wow it felt like an earthquake but it wasn’t actually a sonic blast.” Another tweeted, “I’m just logging in to confirm if this was really an earthquake or if I’m losing my mind lmao. San Diego is acting real right now, shivering while it’s raining.”

San Diego is cool bc, like, I felt an earthquake but it wasn’t actually a sonic boom

— Katya (@liddledarkage) December 28, 2021

Official confirmation of the accident has been slow, but a Geological Society of America official said there were no local earthquakes at the time. Spokesman Robert Degrott said USGS sensors did not detect any seismic activity at the time.

San Diego police and San Diego police representatives said Tuesday morning that they had not received any calls to report the accident, and the National Weather Service said they were not aware of anything that might have caused the event.

NBC 7 submitted a request for a statement with officials at Marine Corps Air Base Miramar and received the following response:

“MCAS Miramar does not have the ability to track aircraft outside its direct airspace directly in and around the base. The Federal Aviation Administration is the federal agency responsible for flight control throughout San Diego and will be better able to answer your query.”

NBC7 asked the FAA if it could confirm whether any aircraft, military or otherwise, were operating at speeds in or around San Diego County at the time that could cause such an event?

Steve Colm, a public affairs specialist at the Federal Aviation Administration, responded that “the sonic boom will only come from military aircraft operating in military airspace.” “I recommend calling the army.”

When asked if any military aircraft were operating at sea from San Diego around 11:36 a.m. Thursday, Marine Captain Matthew “Red Bull” Gregory replied, “No, I can’t.”

Of course, the Marines are not the only branch of the military that operates locally. A military spokesperson told NBC7 that the Department of Defense, the US Air Force and the US Navy are also flying in the naval training ranges.

NBC7 also contacted the US Navy about Tuesday’s incident.

“We have no indications that naval aircraft produced a sonic boom in or around the San Diego area today,” the commander said. Zack Harrell, a spokesperson for the Naval Air Force Commander, said via email Tuesday afternoon.

“Weird things happen all the time, and we find full scientific explanations for them,” said DeGroot of the USGS, adding later, “We find things that interest us and then figure them out.”

june boom

In June, an MCAS Miramar official said that a similar incident on June 8 might have been caused by aircraft training over the Pacific Ocean.

“While MCAS Miramar cannot account for every acoustic event that occurs within the region, the reason in this case is probably due to aircraft training occurring within the W-291 range, about 30 miles southwest of San Diego over the Pacific Ocean,” MCAS said. . In a statement. MCAS Miramar said two planes left the base on June 8 and were conducting mid-air combat exercises.

Since the mid-1970s, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has restricted supersonic flight over land. However, across the Pacific and at that distance, supersonic speed is within all FAA laws and military regulations, MCAS Miramar explained.

Jonathan Teitel, a USGS seismologist, said the “event” in June was captured by three sensors: one in Rosarito, Mexico; Another in Bala. The third is on Mount Barrett. Tytell said the “event” was definitely not an earthquake.

“Unknown event” in February

Another mysterious boom occurred in February. The “unknown event,” as the USGS referred to it, had many San Diegan residents posting on social media that they heard an explosion and felt a sudden jolt.

Whatever the case, it was noted around 5:10 p.m. on February 16, as many of those reporting the event focused in the southern half of San Diego County.

An in-service seismologist with the USGS confirmed to NBC 7 at the time that no earthquake was detected on sensors in the county during the same time frame.





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