Strong earthquakes cause a problem in America’s oil core
A week ago, a 4.5-magnitude earthquake hit Texas in the country’s most prolific shale play – the Permian. Days later, another earthquake shook America’s oil core. And seismic activity may eventually force drilling workers to reduce production.
The Midland Reporter Telegram reported at the time that the December 27 earthquake was the strongest in Texas in the past 10 years. It happened at a depth of 4.3 miles near Stanton. This was followed by a series of earlier earthquakes in December.
In mid-December, the USGS reported four earthquakes in the Midland Ocean within a 24 hour period. The strength of these quakes ranged from 2.9 to 3.7, which isn’t much, but the number was worrying, especially since it came after more tremors were detected by the University of Texas at Austin’s Office of Economic Geology earlier in the year. And after the strongest earthquake, the organizers intervened.
The Texas Railroad banned the injection of borehole sewage into deep wells prior to the major earthquake. After the major earthquake, the commission sent inspectors to the field where the earthquake occurred in an area already under investigation to dispose of sewage into deep wells.
According to Reuters, if the inspection results in a halt to sewage disposal in the area, it could lead to the closure of about 18 waste disposal wells that collectively pump 9,600 barrels of sewage. And if diggers can’t get rid of the wastewater, they can’t really dig.
Hydraulic fracturing, or hydraulic fracturing, has caused an increase in seismic activity that has been one of the main weapons in the arsenal of anti-fracking activists. In fact, according to the US Geological Survey, the practice of cleaving a shale formation to extract the oil in it actually leads to increased seismic activity. Just not the fracking itself. It’s sewage.
Fracking requires huge amounts of liquid, this liquid is called sewage but actually a mixture of water and chemicals, it needs to be disposed of. Disposal is usually done in disposal wells, some too deep to hold more wastewater. These are underground wastewater reservoirs that have been associated with increased seismic activity in some oil regions.
Five years ago, for example, Oklahoma drew media attention due to the dramatic increase in the frequency of earthquakes since the start of the shale boom. The country, one of the largest oil producers in the United States, had little seismic activity before 2009 when fracking really took off. By 2016, Oklahoma was averaging two earthquakes per day—which it averaged a year earlier. So far, earthquakes are just as frequent.
According to the Earthquake Tracker, there have been 10 earthquakes in Oklahoma in the past seven days, 68 in the past 30 days, and 2,063 in the last year. Of course, most of these are minor items, but due to their increasing frequency, they can still cause – and cause – physical damage. The case even led to a lawsuit being filed for insurance coverage against the effects of disposing of wastewater from oil wells. Unfortunately for the plaintiffs in this case, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled this month that there is no insurance coverage for bodily injury or property damage caused by seismic activity related to sewage disposal.
Interestingly enough, there was insurance coverage for such damages until a few years ago. With the growth of seismic activity, insurers in Oklahoma began to realize the fact that increasing premiums for earthquake coverage (by 200% in some cases) was not enough to avoid significant losses at this rate of seismic activity. So they began removing this coverage from their service offering and denying earthquake damage claims, attributing instead to settling homes or being too old.
The Permian is a larger oil producer than Oklahoma. It is the largest oil-producing region in the United States and the driver of its production growth, and is seen as significant this year as prices remain comfortably high. But unless producers can find an alternative to injecting wastewater into deep wells, some of that production growth may never occur to avoid turning Texas into the second earthquake capital of the United States after Oklahoma.
The alternatives include trucking the wastewater and disposing it elsewhere, thus distributing the burden of tons of water that, if dumped into an underground well, can cause increased seismic activity. Another alternative is water recycling, and it may be worth motivating drillers to consider it because the water used to drill shale wells does not decrease: according to the Groundwater Protection Council, a single horizontal well requires 45 million liters of water.
The US oil and gas industry generates hundreds of millions of gallons of wastewater each year. Getting rid of this water can increase seismic activity in some places. Shutting down disposal wells cannot be a permanent decision, nor is it for an industry that has temporarily returned to growth.
By Irina Slough for Oilprice.com
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