How are South Carolina earthquakes measured?
South Carolina is no stranger to small earthquakes, but the recent surge has made some people even more curious about it. Meteorologist Alex Kalamia delves into the details.
Things got off to a shaky start in the Midlands in 2022. Kershaw County reported 3 earthquakes in the first week of January.
The two earthquakes reported on Wednesday brought the total number of earthquakes in the prefecture to 10 since the 3.3 earthquake on December 21, 2021 that triggered this swarm. Another group – or swarm – of tremors occurred significantly near Jenkinsville in Fairfield County in 2021 from October 25 to November 1.
The earthquakes in Kershaw County were strong enough to stir some nerves and even wake people up during the early morning hours of January 5 when the second largest earthquake in the series, 2.6, struck in the middle of the night.
Earthquakes can occur up to 500 miles below our feet. When the USGS has reported an earthquake within 0 km – the earthquake is usually direct from human activity such as a quarry blast. The 2.6 earthquake in Kershaw County on January 5 was the second largest in the latest swarm, and occurred nearly half a mile below the surface. The strongest – 3.3 on December 27 – occurred nearly two miles below the surface. All recent earthquakes in Kershaw County have occurred less than 5 miles below the surface.
Earthquakes are measured on two scales: a temporal dynamometer uses a seismometer to measure the total energy of an earthquake, and a modified Mercalli intensity scale measures the feeling of shaking in different communities.
The magnitude of the moment operates on a logarithmic scale so that each level is 10 times greater. In other words, a 3.0 earthquake is 100 times stronger than a 2.0, but a 4.0 earthquake is 1,000 times stronger than 3.0. Some people incorrectly call these measurements the Richter scale which has been discontinued because the torque scale uses a more accurate method.
One does not feel a deep earthquake as much as a shallow one. And on the East Coast, the bedrock is older and more fractured, so an earthquake in South Carolina produces far more vibrations than the same earthquake on the West Coast.
This is where the modified Mercalli intensity scale comes in. It measures the intensity of vibration for specific areas using Roman numerals. A1 does not feel. The scale rises to 10 and at this level it is detrimental. The 3.3 earthquake that started the last swarm of earthquakes in Kershaw County was measured as 3, the limit 4 on the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (MMI).
The number 4 on the MMI scale means that it is felt indoors by many and outdoors by few. The vibration was strong enough to wake people up and caused the windows of the dishes or the annoying doors to crack and make a noise.
Most people felt even close to the epicenter as a 3 on the modified Mercalli intensity scale which can be seen indoors and the shaking is similar to a passing truck. At this intensity, many people do not realize it is an earthquake. Far from the District of Columbia, the vibration was measured as 2 which is felt by few people at best. Other reports came as 1 which means it was not felt by their community.
Link to the USGS Community Response Survey for each Kershaw County earthquake.
The South Carolina Department of Emergency Management offers a document with many tips for those who may feel a shake or an earthquake.
First, if you are in a tall building, face an interior wall if there is no heavy desk or table nearby. Do not use elevators, get down on the floor, take a cover, preferably under a sturdy desk or table. Experts say stick to a desk or table and prepare to move with it, and if that’s not possible, make sure you protect your head and neck with your arms, and hold this position until the ground stops shaking and it’s safe to move. Shop, stay away from shelves and things on display, don’t rush toward the exit, if you’re in a theater or stadium, stay in your seat, stay away from electrical wires or poles, trees and signs. Entrance to guard against falling bricks, glass or other debris. If you are driving, park on the side of the road and stop, avoiding bridges, overpasses and power lines. Stay inside the car until the ground stops shaking, and always remember to protect your head and neck.
Sources 2/ https://www.wltx.com/article/weather/how-are-south-carolina-earthquakes-measured/101-dbf658cf-082b-4682-9fc8-6c4bbd0bc94c The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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