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Low intensity tremors indicate that a major earthquake may hit the national capital


New Delhi: Ten low to moderate aftershocks rock the Delhi-NCR in a month and a half period indicating that a strong earthquake could hit the national capital of India in the near future, as some top geologists have warned in the country.

“We cannot predict the time, place or exact scale, but we believe there is steady seismic activity in the NCR region and could lead to a major earthquake in Delhi,” said Dr. Kalchand Sain, Head of the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology. It is the first independent institute to operate under the supervision of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Unfortunately, Delhi is located under high-risk seismic areas, and border cities are experiencing massive growth in high-rise private buildings, many of which do not adhere to the mandatory BIS guidelines set for earthquake-resistant construction.

Imagine what would happen if an earthquake of 5.5 or 6.0 NCR hit? Responding to this frequently asked question, Professor Chandon Goose of IIT-Jammu, Earthquake Engineering expert, said, “The double tremors were measured on Friday (May 29) that rocked Delhi at 4.5 … but had it been more intense, it would have had an impact. Serious. On the Richter scale 6.0, the impact of the earthquake in Delhi will be devastating. Many buildings will be destroyed by dust. ”

Indeed countless tall buildings in Noida, Gurugram and adjacent areas of Delhi blatantly violate the BIS standards.

“Everyone knows that Delhi-NCR is located under earthquake zone 4, and it is vulnerable to tremors, but most builders still do not meet BIS standards. There is a relationship between architects and builders which jeopardizes a strong earthquake in one way or another (resistance Professor Chandan Ghose said: So On any given day, if an earthquake hits more strongly here, the consequences will be severe.

He added: “Look at Japan, the whole country is in a seismic zone 5, but they follow religiously the building codes. The quality of their construction can withstand tremors of 7.5 or even 8.0 (on the Richter scale).”

From April 12 to May 29 this year, ten earthquakes were recorded in Delhi-NCR by the National Seismology Center. During this period, four tremors were recorded in Uttarakhand West in Himachal Pradesh.

“Most of these earthquakes were of low strength ranging from 2.3 to 4.5. However, a series of these earthquakes ostensibly warn of a major earthquake hitting Delhi in the coming days. One of the reasons for the increase in the number of tremors hitting Delhi is that the local said Dr. A Shukla, The former head of the seismic risk assessment center of the Indian Metrology Department, the fault system here is very active.

Delhi is also close to the Himalayas, where several earthquakes have occurred more than 8 degrees. The study reveals the possibility of some major tremors in the Himalayas that could severely affect Delhi-NCR.

“Looking at the local fault system and the Himalayas, we conducted a seismic study of seismic hazards in Delhi, NCR, a few years ago,” Shukla said.

According to him, most of the buildings constructed in Delhi NCR are not earthquake resistant (by standards) and may be severely damaged in the event of a high tremor.

The study also revealed that parts of south and central Delhi are safer than areas near the bottom of the Yamuna River.

“Our study recommends an urgent amendment of the existing construction law. However, the government has yet to implement the report, which confirms the new safety measures that the authorities must take to ensure the lives of people and their property in the event of a major earthquake in the metro,” he said. Shukla.

This story was posted from News Agency summary without modifications to the text. Only the title has been changed.

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