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Sinead O’Connor: Singer described Shane’s son as ‘a very special person’


Sinead O’Connor described her son Shane, who died this week, as a very special person who was more like her own children.

Born in 2004, Hani is the second youngest of Cinead’s four children. Writing in her autobiography, Memories, she talked about how special Shane was.

“I’m still very fond of the baby’s father, Donal Looney, even though we’re not close,” she wrote.

“Things are getting very difficult for Shane and for me. Shane is a very special personality, very very psychological and very, very spiritual.


Sinead O’Connor gave birth to her son Shane with Irish folk musician Donal Looney (both pictured) and the couple separated shortly after Shane’s arrival

Sinead O’Connor gave birth to her son Shane with Irish folk musician Donal Looney (both pictured) and the couple separated shortly after Shane’s arrival

“When he was three, he once asked me, ‘Did you have an earthquake when I was inside your belly?'” At first I said no because I forgot I was in. When I had two weeks in my belly – I didn’t even know I was pregnant – I was on holiday in Malta, and there was an earthquake.

“I never thought about it again, I never mentioned it. I never told the kid; I don’t think I even told anyone else. However, this three-year-old was able to tell me that I was actually in an earthquake, and I don’t know how knew that.”

She said again when he was in the bathroom, he asked her if she had ever met God.

And I said, Well, maybe I did, some kind of magical thing happened to me, and maybe I met God in certain ways. The kid was petting me while the water was leaving the bathroom and he said, ‘That’s not how he told me you meet God.’ You have to make your dreams come true.”

She said Shin was full of intelligence.

Shane was assessed at the age of eight and declared a genius. I was told he had the learning ability, the vocabulary, and the mathematical reasoning of a 16-year-old. He started studying science at a college with adults in Dublin, but he didn’t enjoy going there, so it didn’t last. long.”

She said he reminded her of Clint Eastwood.

“He can get himself into all sorts of trouble, but because he’s so calm and so gentle and so charming, he manages to navigate through things without it affecting him too badly, and I admire him for that.

“Shin is not a square dowel that is pushed into a round hole.

“He’s the kid who looks a lot like me, I suppose, given him and his nature–though of course he’s a version of me with logic and reason.”

If you have been affected by the issues raised in this article, contact the Samaritans at 116123; Pieta House at 1800 247247 or text HELLO to 50808, a free 24/7 text support service for people going through a mental or emotional crisis.

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