2 More earthquakes reported overnight
The earthquakes happened and Daniel Robinson spoke with a USGS researcher. >> When the blow starts to shake because of the earthquake, it’s because the slip is on a fault. >> An earthquake is simply when a fault moves and the fault is a crack in the ground, so you basically have on either side of the crack moving proportionally to the other and that’s what leads to the vibration. >> In South Carolina, experts say smaller earthquakes are not uncontrolled. >> I’ve had a lot of fault lines left since the Appalachians were built and I’ve had several episodes of mountain building there, so there have been faults all over South Carolina. The question is which one is active? >> Researchers sometimes say that these errors start to move from time to time as recently as in the midsection. >> There’s always a chance these front shocks could be for something bigger when you’ve had a big earthquake, you can sometimes have a number of these little things before now and that’s not likely because we sometimes see them >> Be active in our area – however, VE scientists are still They wonder why they became active in our area. >> One of the mysteries of seismology is why earthquakes occur in the eastern United States at all because they are not at the edge of a plate. Most earthquakes such as California or Alaska are located at the edge of the Tectoniclas P. >> In South Carolina, one of the most historic earthquakes occurred at the earliest occurred 1 to 36 years ago. >>South Carolina has a history of relatively small earthquakes that scattered all over the state, and then they also had some big earthquakes that hit the most, being the Charleston earthquake in 1886. That was a massive earthquake seven times over. >> While the state hasn’t seen one of this magnitude recently, not many remember the 4.1 Edgefield earthquake on Valentine’s Day in 2014. It could have been felt all over UPS. >> When you reach size 4 you start seeing things like falling objects and when you fall in size 5 you start getting damage like falling bombs and things like that. >> The USA says recently The USA says recent earthquakes should serve as a reminder to always be prepared.
Two more earthquakes were reported in the Lugoff, Elgin, South Carolina areas
Updated: 9:02AM EDT Jan 11, 2022
Two more earthquakes were reported overnight in South Carolina. The latest was reported at 8:31 a.m. Tuesday in Lugoff, South Carolina. Its magnitude was 2.0, and the other was reported at 12:31 a.m. near Elgin, South Carolina. Its strength was 1.7 degrees. These are the same areas that have experienced a series of earthquakes in recent weeks. A 1.4-magnitude earthquake was reported on Sunday at 3 p.m. that earthquake; However, it was near Ladson, South Carolina. Related stories below:
Lugoff, North Carolina –
Two more earthquakes were reported overnight in South Carolina.
The latest was reported at 8:31 a.m. Tuesday in Lugoff, South Carolina.
Its strength was 2.0 degrees.
The other was reported at 12:31 a.m. near Elgin, South Carolina. Its strength was 1.7 degrees.
These are the same areas that have experienced a series of earthquakes in recent weeks.
A 1.4-magnitude earthquake was reported on Sunday at 3 p.m. that earthquake; However, it was near Ladson, South Carolina.
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This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, on their website.
Related stories below:
Sources 2/ https://www.wyff4.com/article/lugoff-south-carolina-earthquake/38734700 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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