What did the epidemic teach how to store an emergency? Abundance
The coronavirus pandemic taught us a lot about the need to prepare for emergencies.
In the frightening days leading up to the issue of staying at home, frightened purchases and a toilet paper safe caused a temporary shortage.
But these will not be compared to the alarms that would explode if another disaster destroyed transportation systems or if water pipes and shelters turned dust after the earthquake.
Since March, protective masks and hand sanitizers have been made at home, and antiseptic wipes and UV lamps to kill harmful objects have also been weak, as people have created a home hygiene station to clean items purchased from the store.
Fear of the second wave of COVID-19 is pushing people to install additional freezer storage for frozen food as well as fresh water storage and air filtering systems.
Perhaps the most indelible meal of the epidemic is the importance of self-sufficiency. Covering up at home, reducing trips to warehouses and disrupting food delivery has inspired more people to start a vegetable patch or container garden.
Skyler Halgreen, co-founder of Redfora, a San Francisco-based company that sells emergency equipment, said customers across the country now know the experience of lack of normal services and the need for Plan B.
“With our new awareness, the responsibility to take action comes,” says Halgreen. “Walking through your personal emergency plan with those you live with and making sure you have the basic basics is all it takes to feel more confident and less anxious” when the disaster strikes again.
We asked emergency preparedness experts, the American Red Cross and Ready.gov to list the most important tasks people must do now to prepare for an earthquake, tsunami, major power outages, quarantine, virus outbreaks or other life-threatening emergencies.
Experts also direct us to the food, water, medicine and other essentials that we have on hand when limited supplies are needed.
The task list is long, but it starts with these three actions to take.
Sign up for notifications: Sign up for public alerts, citizen alert, or a service in your county to be notified via text, call, or email by emergency response agencies when you need to take action such as shelter in the place or evacuation.
The NOAA Weather Radar Live app provides real-time radar images and severe weather alerts.
Do you have a family emergency plan: “It is important to calculate the risks you live in and put some sound thought into the emergency plan,” said Halgreen. “Having a family or family conversation about how to mitigate the risks, and what role each can play to help each other in an emergency.”
Ensure that everyone in your home knows the plan, including where everyone will meet if they separate and how you will communicate with each other if the phones do not work.
Update your emergency contact list and reassess your home about the risks and supplies you’ll need.
“I just revised our game plan with my family last week, because the past two months have changed it a little bit,” says Halgreen.
Redfora’s guide to creating an emergency plan makes it easy to talk and write your common sense plan.
Putting The Basics Together In One Place: Emilio Debbies and Paul Sislaq, both infectious disease experts at the Oregon Health Authority, said it was never too early to assemble a set of basic disasters with food, water and non-perishable supplies for 14 days per person at home.
Ali Ryan, who works as the Earth Science Information Officer for the Department of Geology and Metallurgical Industries in Oregon, says, updating and updating elements, especially water and food, every six months. (Watch her video with an emergency preparedness kit.)
You can purchase ready or emergency preparedness kits or you can create your own kits (here is a checklist in case basic services or utilities fail).
Many of the supplies you can get may already be in your home, from openable manuals to hygiene items, but you will need duplicates to be able to access them quickly in case you have to be evacuated due to a fire or other emergency.
“With climate change, epidemics and looming disasters like earthquakes, we all need to devote a little time and money at home. Store additional water, get an N95 face mask and keep the emergency radio / cell phone charger,” says Jane Brown of Portland Earthquake Kit. In the event of a power outage, disasters are inevitable. You will be pleased to have some additional supplies at your disposal. “
Neighborhood members who have accepted training from the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), the Portland Neighborhood Emergency Program (NET) and other volunteer groups are using the preparedness cut-off to obtain supplies and actions to take over 12 months, so the work is not overwhelming.
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers warn that emergency resources, food, water and infrastructure may not be available for weeks or more after a major disaster. They advise you to map your neighborhood now to get to know other people’s skills, equipment and resources, and to work as a team during an emergency.
In case you need to store them during the Coronavirus pandemic, have you purchased cases from Kraft Mac & Cheese and tuna cans that you would never want to eat? Are you convinced now that you will never want to take a bucket of dried-out meals that you stuffed in the garage for years?
The epidemic has shown that it is worth storing nutrient-rich foods, from beef to granola, which you can eat at any time.
Experts recommend that non-perishable and easy-to-prepare foods, such as canned soups, are not very salty. Protein shakes like Huel are quick sources of protein and help satiate.
Chef Katie Millard of Coquine in Portland suggests changing pasta sauce by mixing various aromatics, vegetables and other ingredients in the store.
In the 2010 book, “Cut a Grocery Bill in Half with the Cheaper Family in America”, authors Steve and Annette Economics offer tips to cut costs, waste, and organize to cut shopping trips and cooking time.
Top Tips: Plant your own herbs, don’t shop around to buy everything at once, and when your favorite brand is sold, pills, cramp or protein, buy more.
Here is a list of what should be in the emergency preparedness group, as recommended by the American Red Cross and Ready.gov, which educates people about what to do to prepare for natural and manmade disasters, from earthquakes to forest fires.
The Essential Disaster Kit must include three-day supplies to cover your family and pets if you are evacuated and two weeks of supplies if you cuddle in your home.
You may already have the most important items. Complete what you used or add what you do not have.
WaterBOB stores 100 gallons of drinking water in a BPA-Free plastic container, heavy and suitable for washing in the bathtub.
Water: If the water pipes are cut off or the water supply is contaminated, you will need a gallon source of water daily for each person and pets for drinking, cooking and cleaning.
Half a cup of water, available in the box, has a five-year shelf life while water purification tablets that remove bacteria, parasites and personal water filters work if you have to use untreated water.
“We are very concerned about Portland residents getting the water they will need after a disaster, which is why we offer free delivery on 55-gallon drums, aquatinerers and jumbotiners in Portland,” said Brown from Portland Earthquakes Kit.
She added that people should read instructions on how to store water safely. Containers must be certified with BPA-containing plastic material and specially made to contain drinking water.
To ensure a two-week supply of water and soft drinks, get it at home:
Water containers can safely store one gallon of water. Fill it out, set a date mark and in six months, use the water to paint the landscape and fill the container again. WaterBOB stores 100 gallons of drinking water in a plastic container free of BPA, heavy, and suitable for food in the bathtub. Fill it immediately after an emergency case to get fresh water for up to 16 weeks, the water filtration system comes in various forms, half-cup water bags are available, in this case, for five years, and water purification tablets to remove bacteria, parasites and personal water that filters if you can Access to untreated water: refreshments such as gatorade or bidet
Food: It is recommended that you have enough non-perishable food for two weeks, according to the American Red Cross.
If you want to freeze meals, consider using a spare freezer.
Lights, radio and chargers: If there is no electricity, we will appreciate the working of the American Red Cross crank, flashlight and phone charger. One minute stirring produces 10 minutes of energy from light. Portable emergency radios with real-time NOAA weather reports and general emergency alert system information can be powered by a manual crank generator, solar panel, rechargeable batteries or wall power adapter.
First Aid Kit and Medicines: It is important to have an adequate supply of any over-the-counter medications you take, according to Ready.gov. You can ask your insurance provider to agree to an expanded supply of prescribed medications.
In addition, it is a good idea to have:
Multipurpose tool: In just over 5 inches, a multipurpose tool can provide, at your fingertips, knives, pliers, screwdrivers, wire cutters, bottle openers, an electric scraper, wire stripper, coil, saw, awl and ruler.
Personality: There is no need for compactness, but make sure you have the hygiene and personal care you will need.
Come on
The CDC recommends face masks to help prevent the spread of viruses. Other items on hand:
Batteries American Red Cross Clip-on Crank Powered Flashlight, Flashlight, Phone Charger and Portable Emergency Radio with Public Emergency Warning System Information Signal MirrorWater-MatchesGas Lock
Personal documents: Make copies of passports, birth certificates, insurance policies, the list of medications and medical information, proof of address, your home rent / instrument to verify the address as well as family and emergency contact information. Do not store it in an emergency bag.
Securing your supplies: a red bag with a red cross draws attention to the valuables inside. Consider the color of the container. Some people want it red so it’s easy to spot, while others buy a regular backpack, raincoat or a rotating charging bag. Some people remove patches that mark the bag as an earthquake disaster or a first-aid kit.
Other useful items:
Protection: goggles, dust masks, gloves. Personal: backup glasses, solid shoes. Operation: adhesive tape, matchsticks, scissors, household liquid whitening disinfectant, whistle.
Janet Eastman 503-294-4072
[email protected] | janeteastman
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