Veteran pair restores youth in Haiti with the help of Fort Hood DPW | Article – Commodity
![Veteran pair restores youth in Haiti with the help of Fort Hood DPW | Article – Commodity Veteran pair restores youth in Haiti with the help of Fort Hood DPW | Article – Commodity](https://api.army.mil/e2/c/images/2022/01/13/bf5f0769/max1200.jpg)
Haitian children hold a sign thanking residents of Central Texas and the Department of Public Works in Fort Hood, Texas, for the backpacks and toys sent to them in late December. (Image source: Winnsor Desil) Original show
FORT HOOD, TX – Betty Joseph usheres in the new year by finding a new home for the junk. As individuals make the decision to disinfect and disassemble their cabinets, Joseph reuses these items and sends them to family and friends in Haiti.
Inspired by her father’s kind actions, Joseph continues his legacy by teaching her children to make a difference.
“My father always gave to the community,” she said. “I don’t have much, but I want to help others too, because that’s how I was brought up.”
Twice a year, Joseph sends barrels full of clothes, toys, and food to Haiti, collecting unwanted and new items from the community. Then her brother Winsor Dessel helps distribute these items to the neighborhood children.
After extensive damage caused by earthquake and Tropical Storm Grace, in August, Joseph saw that the Fort Hood Department of Public Works was distributing backpacks and school supplies.
She said, “The timing clicked and I said, ‘I can use it and send it to Haiti.’” I was surprised when DPW answered, up to an hour, that I could stop and grab it. I was crying and I was happy… It meant a lot.”
In August, DPW real estate specialist Angela Mack, and members of her team from the environment and property planning departments, raised donations and hosted a fundraiser to help young people prepare for the school year.
“The engagement is really caring! It was very touching to see the impact that the donation of backpacks and school supplies had made,” Mack said. On the devastation caused by recent weather events. Look what we can do when we unite for a noble cause.”
Betty Joseph accepts two bags that appeared for her children from the Department of Public Works in Fort Hood, Texas. I later contacted DPW for a backpack donation for children in Haiti and received 10 backpacks to send. (Image Source: Kristen Luciano, Fort Hood DPW Environmental) Original Show
With the help of Central Texas residents and the Public Works Department, Joseph and her family in Haiti were able to help more than 50 children with clothes, toys and school supplies that arrived there late last month.
“We gave gifts on the last day of December and arrived just in time… it was a blessing,” Joseph said.
As a veteran husband and family raiser, Joseph is at her core a donor and committed to selfless service.
“I try to help wherever I can and for the children of Haiti who don’t have much,” she said. “I hope this inspires my children and also encourages them to make others happy.”
Sources 2/ https://www.army.mil/article/253258/veteran_spouse_gives_back_to_youth_in_haiti_with_help_from_fort_hood_dpw The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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