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Edit: Earthquakes are a reminder of SC history | editorial


The Times and the Democrat

As 2021 ends and 2022 begins, a series of minor earthquakes has affected the Midlands region of South Carolina.

Elgin, a community of less than 2,000 people near the border of Richland and Kershaw counties, has been a center of seismic activity, beginning with the 3.3-magnitude earthquake on December 27. It looks like a heavy piece of construction equipment or a concrete truck rolling down the road.

Since then, more earthquakes have been recorded nearby, with magnitudes ranging from 1.5 to 2.6 degrees. No injuries or damages were reported.

Only on Tuesday, a 1.7-magnitude earthquake struck east of Elgin, about 25 miles northeast of Colombia, according to the US Geological Survey. It was measured at a depth of 3.2 km.

About eight hours later, a slightly larger earthquake, 2.0, struck a few miles away, officials said. Those tremors were the 11th and 12th earthquakes within a few square miles since the December 27 earthquake.

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According to the South Carolina Department of Emergency Management, the state averages 20 earthquakes each year. Clusters occur more often, such as six small earthquakes in a little over a week in 2021 near Jenkinsville, about 38 miles west of the latest group of earthquakes.

Although earthquakes are not new to South Carolina, most of them occur near the coast. According to emergency management officials, about 70% of South Carolina earthquakes are located in the Middleton Place-Summerville seismic zone, about 12.4 miles (20 kilometers) northwest of Charleston.

Each year, South Carolina dedicates a week to earthquake preparedness. There is good reason to be aware.

August 31, 2021 was the 135th anniversary of the largest earthquake in the eastern United States. Late that evening in 1886, a magnitude 7 earthquake struck near Charleston, killing more than 100 people. Many buildings collapsed or sustained severe damage, with economic losses estimated at more than $100 million in today’s dollars.

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The earthquake was felt across much of the eastern and central United States, with people reporting feeling it as far north as New York and as far west as Illinois and Missouri.

In 1999, retired publisher Dean B.

“The area was bombarded for a week by earthquake shocks four to 12 times a day. The Times and Democrat wrote of the rumble: ‘This earthquake frightened many inhabitants of a deep religious complex, as previously unknown, about a great religious revival in the churches..’ .”

One person wrote that “many thought the end of the world had come.” Some citizens affected by the horror in Royceville ran to and fro chanting: “The great judgment day is near. Lord have mercy on me.” One T&D article noted that “many people have been arriving in the past two weeks and have not arrived before.”

One Swerdale native reported that “the flow of adherence to our various churches is almost unparalleled.”

“The people of Orangeburg woke up when the first tremor struck. People in the brick houses could hear the bricks ‘fighting with the force of the shocks.’ Many people complained of feeling sick. The chimneys shook, the Baptist church tower was damaged, and many families slept for several nights at night. outdoors, under huts, or in small buildings.

Late October 14, T&D reported that “traumas are so common now that people quickly let go of the strange feeling they inspire, and go on as if something unusual had happened.” will end. …’ $4.99 for the first month

In Vance, the earthquake was described as ‘a sound, a deep, muffled sound … like distant thunder … the earth was one of great vibrations. Buildings creaked … poultry howled, dogs howled, birds chirping; indeed, it was all Something totally agitated and a strong frustration… From 10 to 11 pm I felt nine shocks in a row.

“Two men of Orangeburg were fishing in the Edisto River when the first great shock struck. They said that the first noise sounded like a loud thunder bargain. It followed a usual roar that was also loud and deep. The course of the noise was marked by its vibration visibly by falling berries and nuts from the trees as it passed.”

Although there are no similar stories to 1886, people in the T&D area periodically experience tremors. With a large fault in the ground running from Charleston to the region, another major earthquake is unpredictable – but virtually certain.





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