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The National Weather Service issues tsunami advisories for Alaska, Hawaii and the West Coast

The National Weather Service issues tsunami advisories for Alaska, Hawaii and the West Coast


An ocean coast tsunami warning sign warns the public of potential danger after… [+] Earthquake. The National Weather Service issued a tsunami warning Saturday morning for Alaska, Hawaii and the West Coast following the eruption of an underwater volcano near Tonga in the Pacific Ocean.


The National Weather Service issued a tsunami warning Saturday morning for Alaska, Hawaii and the West Coast following the eruption of an underwater volcano near Tonga in the Pacific Ocean.

The Weather Service has issued the advisory for coastal areas of California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Alaska and the California/Mexico border. He said, “If you’re in this coastal area, stay off the beach and get out of the ports and marinas.”

According to the Weather Service, “Tsunami warnings mean that a tsunami capable of producing strong currents or waves dangerous to people in or very near the water is expected or actually occurring. Areas in the advisory should not expect widespread inundation. A tsunami is a series of Dangerous waves several hours after the initial arrival time. The first wave may not be the largest.”

CBS News explained, “The tsunami warning is one level below the warning level – and one step above the hour. This means dangerous waves of 1-3 feet and strong currents are expected.”

devastating natural events

Some parts of the world are more vulnerable to this type of crisis than others. Like any potential crisis, just because you weren’t affected by a tsunami today doesn’t mean you won’t be affected by it tomorrow.

For example, “experts say a large tsunami could one day submerge large areas in Marina del Rey and Long Beach to a height of 15 feet, potentially threatening homes and lives,” CBS Los Angeles reported in 2021.

A tsunami is one of the most devastating events caused by Mother Nature, according to a tsunami warning website. She noted, “Tsunami trains can move as fast as an aircraft on the high seas. These extremely powerful tidal waves are capable of crushing everything in their path. The most violent tsunamis were formed in response to strong sea earthquakes, underwater eruptions, and volcanic eruptions.”

Includes recent devastating tsunami

Sunda Strait, Indonesia 2018: Java and Sumatra, Indonesia Palu, Sulawesi, Indonesia 2018: Palu Bay, Indonesia Sendai, Japan 2011: Japan and other countries Mole, Chile 2010: Chile and other countries Sumatra, Indonesia 2004: Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and the Maldives and other countries crisis management best practices

In nature-related crisis situations like these, it is best crisis management practice for everyone – including businesses and organizations – to follow the advice, guidance and direction of government officials.

It is highly unlikely that business leaders whose companies are located in or near affected areas today would include a tsunami scenario in their crisis management plans for training sessions – unless, of course, they have experienced a similar crisis and know it could happen again.

National Tsunami Warning System

According to the Redwood Coast Tsunami Work Group, “Tsunami warning systems detect earthquakes large enough to cause a tsunami and send out warning notices before the waves arrive so that local authorities can evacuate vulnerable residents.”

Their website indicated that the United States operates two Tsunami Warning Centers, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii covers Hawaii, the US Pacific Territory, and provides guidance for many other counties. It is the responsibility of the National Tsunami Warning Center to warn Canada and the rest of the United States, including California.

Effective Tsunami Warnings

According to the working group, “Official tsunami warnings are most effective when the source of the tsunami is more than 1,000 miles away, such as Alaska, Japan or Chile. If the earthquake occurs on a local fault, such as the Cascadia subduction zone, there is not very long for the national center.” To warn of a tsunami to warn you.”

The first tsunami warning systems

According to Wikipedia, “The first primitive system to alert communities of an impending tsunami was attempted in Hawaii in the 1920s. More advanced systems were developed following the April 1, 1946 (caused by the 1946 Aleutian Islands earthquake) and the May 23, 1960 tsunami (caused by the 1960 Valdivia earthquake) which caused massive destruction in Hilo, Hawaii.

“While tsunamis travel at between 500 and 1,000 km/h (about 0.14 and 0.28 km/s) in open water, earthquakes can be detected approximately once as seismic waves travel at a typical speed of 4 km/s (about 14,400 km/s). h) This gives time to predict the possibility of a tsunami and to issue warnings for threatened areas, if necessary.

“Until a reliable model is able to predict earthquakes that will produce large tsunamis, this approach will produce many more false alarms than verified ones.”





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