Coronavirus, earthquakes, identity, and awareness
June 1, 2020 – Zagreb has suffered from being the first hot spot for the coronavirus in the country, a devastating earthquake, and many questions surrounding its identity in the aftermath of all this, as it continues to preside over the European Union.
Forgetfulness is the savior of human existence. Just remember how we all rejoiced with joy and walked with half empty bottles in our pockets, hoping the midnight of December 31 to erase all faults of 2019 and give us another clean list. Good health was one of the most common ingredients in most greeting cards (instead: of most emails and text messages). But, as we know, something went wrong altogether.
In Zagreb, the capital of a country that truly boasts of its exceptional results in fighting the new coronavirus COVID-19, the old saying that “one evil never comes alone” has unfortunately proved to be very real. On March 23, 2020, amid a general closure due to the coronavirus, it was struck by a strong earthquake (and a series of serious aftershocks that followed) that caused incomprehensible damage in the region, especially in its very historical center.
In the art world, after the closure that paralyzed everything and exposed the absolute presence of artists, whether independent or not, the earthquake was another almost fatal blow to the arts and culture scene in the capital. The blow came with such force that it forced almost every theater out of use, just like most museums, galleries, art institutions, and schools.
The impression is that due to the coronary virus epidemic around the world, the bad news in Zagreb falls largely under the radar and without the level of attention it deserves. Someone felt that more attention was needed. This was a Croatian agency called Unimedia.
Unimedia is an agency that boasts a wide range of professional services in the areas of public communications, promotion, campaigns, tourism films, short films and documentaries. In short, you can name it, maybe Unimedia does it. Their successful collaboration with internationally respected Zagreb players gave them an inspiration, says Unimedia owner Nikola Mihalevic:
“The day after the earthquake it became clear that soloists in Zagreb were deprived of their only appropriate stage in Zagreb. The legendary hall of the Croatian Music Institute (HGZ) was so damaged that it was even dangerous to look inside. Then we wandered around Zagreb with our camera, to see and record other places of historical and cultural importance. We felt sad and admired in the worst possible way with what we saw, and we felt that we should present our common share in trying to fix the consequences. I knew from the start that due to the great level of damage, the fundraising procedure makes no sense.
How much can we even collect, what does that mean at all? It would have been a drop in the ocean. However, my experience in the communications field told me that what we can do to raise awareness of the need to repair and restore all facilities without which not only will Zagreb be lost, but all of Croatia, its importance, meaning, history and, nevertheless, its entire cultural and civilizational future. I called Mr. Chrono Marek, Chairman of the Board of Soloists in Zagreb and suggested the idea. We just couldn’t sit around wrapping our thumbs waiting for someone to come and do it for us.
We must act now and try to do our best. This was the first in a series of calls and meetings that followed. Of course, it took some time to pass the path between the idea, its shape, and the final program. I called it “Zagreb, I love you like this” (Zagreb, Tak Imam Ti Rad) after the legendary song dedicated to the city.
What is the first idea?
Well, my first idea was for soloists in Zagreb to give a concert in the affected hall in the HGZ region without any audience and to broadcast it on the web. But of course, that didn’t make sense and I started to ask for help at other addresses. Then I concluded that the highest examples of delegation to culture, science and heritage are the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Ministry of Culture. While the academy’s response came almost immediately, the ministry’s response arrived only after repeated letters and phone calls. Some are. Unsurprisingly.
Maybe they thought you were just another person coming and asking for money?
Not possible. Our idea was explained clearly and distinctly. As we mentioned earlier, the only goal of this small task is to raise awareness of the fact that if we do not take a comprehensive and professional restoration of the vital places of performing arts, arts and sciences in general, to buildings that preserve and cherish our national memories, then our entire future of a civilized nation with a true identity is at stake . At this moment in time, in this devastating post-earthquake and coronavirus epidemic, awareness is so vital, it is a privilege of appropriate and complex work. We want everyone to understand the extent of this disaster and its unseen consequences.
Are you thinking about some specific target groups?
not at all. The goal is – everyone, from the highest authorities and institutions to the widest accessible audience, from politicians to the retired grandmother who reads newspapers on a park bench. I hope we can finally grow and thus attract more and more attention. This is only a humble and optimistic start that does not pretend to change the world, but rather aims to revive something that is not necessarily active in people’s consciousness.
So, in the aftermath of the earthquake and the midst of a continuous coronavirus pandemic – how do we get started?
We created a small program consisting of two events. The first will be broadcast live on the Internet on the afternoon of Tuesday, 2 June 2020. We hope that it is only the first in a series of further discussions on this topic. In this first episode, we will listen to the views of the professor at HAZU University. Mladen Ubad Citarosi, from Mrs. Eva Herst Soko from the Ministry of Culture, from Milana Vukov Roniوني from Zagreb, and in the name of the arts, from Kronoslav Marek from Zagreb, solo. It will be aired through Vecernji’s list of the main media sponsor and in cooperation with Opis Film, our partner company.
Total Croatia News is proud to join all media outlets that will announce and follow this laudable initiative. In the following days, be sure to follow our additional coverage of the second part of “Zagreb I Love You Very” – a very special party for lonely Zagreb singles on the evening of June 7, 2020 at 20:00, which will also be broadcast live on the initiative’s Unimedia channel, which you can subscribe to Here.
Let us all meet and contribute to the beloved Zagreb’s recovery, even if only by including it in our daily thoughts.
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