Another earthquake recorded in Elgin
![Another earthquake recorded in Elgin Another earthquake recorded in Elgin](https://kubrick.htvapps.com/htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/images/3360857-wyff-earthquake-1-1640695204.jpg?crop=1.00xw:0.920xh;0,0&resize=1200:*)
Another earthquake recorded in Elgin, South Carolina
The earthquake occurred at 8:08 pm and had a magnitude of 1.9
Updated: 8:50AM EDT Jan 20 2022
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Late and looking for 4 days PL US, coming. DESTY: In Barilla, thank you. This morning, the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a shooting that injured a man. According to officials, the shooting took place just before 11:00 p.m., at the lakeside EAGLE TRACE apartments. The victim was taken to a hospital, but their condition was not updated this morning. At the moment, there is no word to ask someone. flaw. It happened on Tuesday night at an apartment complex outside the EICUNE drive. Representatives say there was no one in his apartment who was the target of the shooting. But we are dealing with a child who has been hospitalized with what is believed to be non-life-threatening IURS.NJ Anyone with information should call today someone with information on crime Marks one year since he was president of Sweden 12 years ago An ongoing epidemic, swell Escalating, political division. Then last night another legislature TBK.SE AIXA DIAZ HAS MO.RE AIXA: Destiny, President Biden said he was frustrated but unfazed after the Senate blocked voting rights last night. The president is not adjudicating executive action on this issue, as he looks forward to the second year of his presidency. PRES. BIDEN: We’ve had some of the biggest challenges we’ve ever faced in this country. TR AIXA: At a press conference at the White House, President Biden answered questions about his first year in office and his days. BIDEN: We’re not going back to LOCKDOS. We will not return to closed schools. Schools must remain open. Ixa: The President acknowledges that Americans suffering from protests and exhaust feel covered up and swayed. BIDEN: The best thing for dealing with higher prices is a more productive economy. AIXA: The President refers to the bipartisan infrastructure bill as an RSFIT one-year achievement. And accepting his larger proposals, such as rebuilding better, LLWI needs to step back in order to pass. PRES. BIDEN: I think we break the packaging, get as much time as possible, come back and fight for comfort later. Mark Sandalo: Biden has no choice, but you should be extra about GOG INFORWARD. They simply do not have votes in Congress to pass this kind of Biden legislation. AIXA: The president is pointing the finger at REPUBLICANFOS banning his agenda, even if two of his own party members stand in the way of passing voting rights and the new social PAAGCK in Washington, I4. : New figures from PRISMA HEALTH show that more than half of COVID-19 patients have not been vaccinated. Daniel Robinson joins us now live in Greenville with an AW warning from DOCTO.RS DANIEL: DESTINY, PRISMA HEALTH HAS 64 COVID-7 PATIENTS AROUND UTSO CAROLINA, AND THE DOCTORS ARE NOT 79% OF THESE PATIENTS. PRISMA health officials say they are also concerned about the number of children with COVID-19 in hospital. Currently, doctors say there are 17 children hospitalized with the virus. None of them were vaccinated. Doctors warn of OMICRON’s named fringes, where people are deliberately trying to get COVID9. . Lives in Greenville, Daniel Robinson, WYFF News 4. Venue: Daniel, thank you. More ARMEC residents will soon receive free TSSO N95 masks. It will start shipping 400 million masks the following week. They are coming from the national strategic stockpile. The White House says you’ll be able to pick up the product at your local drugstore and community health centers. The White House says the program will be fully operational and operational by early February. People looking to get the free masks will be limited to three people. A death investigation is underway at the Spartanburg Count. Coroner was called to St. John’s Street on North Forest Street around noon yesterday. This is near miracle hill rescue mission. No other details were released. We’ll keep you updated as we learn more SNAPCHAT says new parental controls are coming soon. This includes options to limit friend suggestions for teen users, so strangers won’t be able to easily find their account. SNAPCHAT will no longer show 13 to 17 year old accounts as suggestions to others, only a large number of mutual friends. The company says more details about that and other controls will be revealed in the coming months. Totals are present. GREENVILLE COUNTY ANIMAL CARE says it’s up over $12, in 0 Betty White’s memory. The shelter says it was blown away by the number of donors it received in honor of the White House Challenge, the challenge that has called for people to donate $5 to any shelter or rescue in the days before what happened the last 100th time, CARE says if you’re going to still like donating, you can He did so by going to GREENVILLECOUNTY.ORS.AC to work on defrosting on the main lot acquired one day yesterday in downtown Greenville. The last day of skiing was set for Monday, but the ski wreck was covered in snow. ICE ON MAIN is set to reopen I
Another earthquake recorded in Elgin, South Carolina
The earthquake occurred at 8:08 pm and had a magnitude of 1.9
Updated: 8:50AM EDT Jan 20 2022
The US Geological Survey recorded a small earthquake in Richland County Wednesday night (video above: Thursday morning headlines) The earthquake occurred at 8:08 p.m. and had a magnitude of 1.9, the USGS said, with the epicenter 6 kilometers east of Kershaw . The town of Elgin County, where a series of 14 more earthquakes have been recorded over the past month, and several earthquakes have occurred in this area in recent weeks, to see who felt them all, click here. Copyright 2022 WIS. All rights reserved.
Richland County, South Carolina –
The USGS recorded a small earthquake in Richland County on Wednesday night.
(Video above: Thursday morning headlines)
The US Geological Survey said the quake occurred at 8:08 pm and had a magnitude of 1.9.
This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, on their website.
The epicenter was 6 km east of the town of Elgin in Kershaw County, where a series of 14 more earthquakes were recorded last month.
Several earthquakes have occurred in this region in recent weeks.
To see who felt it all, click here.
Copyright 2022 WIS. All rights reserved.
Sources 2/ https://www.wyff4.com/article/south-carolina-earthquake/38827983 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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