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Senator Cliova Malala throws her pumps in the Musalia Mudavadi earthquake


When he got up to address the party delegates, Mudavadi stuck to his prepared speech which mainly focused on his pledge to the “Uchumi bora, Pesa mfukoni” campaign, ahead of the 2022 general election.

The speech drew intermittent applause as a majority of its listeners expected Mudavadi to announce that he had decided to support Vice President William Ruto for the presidency. The attendance of the DP Roto event fueled the idea that the two decided to form an alliance.

However, Mudavadi has confirmed that – after receiving the mandate from his party – he will run as the ANC’s presidential candidate in the August elections.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the position of the ANC, which I am honored to announce, is that a ghost named Azimio is not an option when it comes to partnerships,” Mudavadi stated in what could be assumed to be his “earthquake” announcement.

Kakamega Senator Kliova Malala, who rose to speak after Mudavadi, appeared to be the former vice president’s mouthpiece at the event, delivering a punch today.

“I have seen both of you – Mudavadi and the chief is a fraud [DP Ruto] I was shocked. But he reminded me that both of you were kingmakers. In 2002 you both sacrificed your personal ambitions to support Uhuru Kenyatta and that’s what finally made him president.

“In 2007, you also came together and supported Raila Odinga and you gave him the courage to sneak into the government through the windows and…between 2013 and 2017, you were the force that kept Uhuru in government,” the senator began.

He later added, “You were once the Kingmakers, and today we want to announce that you will be Kings!”

Subsequently, Senator from Nairobi invited Senator Johnson Sakaga, Rep. Kandara Alice Wahome, Governor of Kiriniaga Anne Waiguru, former Lamu Governor Issa Timami, former Kiambu Governor William Kabugo, Mathira MP Rigati Jachagwa, Garissa Township MP Aden Duale, party leader Ford-Kenya Moses Wetangula, both echoed Malala’s sentiments.

Mudavadi’s full speech at the Bomas Kenya event

OKA directors walk out before Mudavadi earthquake announcement

There was a dramatic withdrawal in the massive “earthquake” event.

The arrival of the Members of Parliament(s) allied to Vice President William Ruto saw the Directors of the One Kenya Alliance (OKA) walk out of the Bomas of Kenya’s venue even before Mudavadi came to the podium to speak.

The withdrawal, which was considered a protest, was organized by Wiper Party leader and former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and KANO Party leader and Baringo Senator Gideon Moi.

They appear to have been alarmed by the presence of their perceived political rival DP Ruto and members of Parliament allied with the United Democratic Alliance (UDA).

Among the UDD deputies seen at the venue are former National Assembly majority leader Aden Duale, Aisha Jamwa (Malindi), Nixon Courier (Langata) and former Jubilee Kabara parliamentary candidate, MacDonald Mariga.

Speaking about the strike, Senator Malala stated: “The earthquake has already claimed two victims… I attended the KANU National Defense Center and they invited their friends and I did not go out. I was also present at the Wiper NDC and they also had the invitation of their friends and we didn’t mind. I was shocked that they came to our “wedding” and saw that we invited our friends and got mad and went out.”

Malala later made it clear that Modavadi had punished him for brokering “friendships”.

Musalia, ANC candidate for 2022

The ANC’s National Delegates Conference had earlier announced that Mudavadi would be the party’s flag bearer in the upcoming presidential elections.

The delegates also tasked the party leader with “negotiating and entering into any agreement before or after the elections” on behalf of the party.




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