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Turkey’s Elazig is recovering from the 2020 earthquake, but the shock remains


Elazig was hit by one of its worst disasters on January 24, 2020, when a 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck the city, along with its neighbor Malatya. A total of 41 people were killed in two eastern provinces and hundreds more were injured in the disaster, which centered on the Sivres district of Elazig state. Two years later, there are no traces of the devastation left by the disaster, and new, safe, state-constructed buildings are accommodating the survivors. However, for those who have lost loved ones, the earthquake remains a painful memory.

Among them is Nazmiya Doshmez, 50 years old. Doshmez lost her mother, who lived in the same apartment, when the building collapsed. She was rescued about 16 hours later from under tons of concrete and iron. It took another twenty hours before the body of her mother, Sakina Dochmez, was removed from the rubble. Sakine Doschmez was among the four people who died in the same building.

“I heard a tremor at first and then the walls of the house exploded,” Nazim Dosmez said on Monday, referring to the first moments of the quake to Anadolu Agency (AA). “It was as if I was in a tomb there, completely separated from the world,” she recounted. However, a cell phone she had with her reconnected her to the others. “I thought I couldn’t survive,” she said. “Life stopped. Every minute was like a year.” Düşmez owes its survival to the 20 cm (8 in) wide gap between the wall and the washer that supported the rubble and prevented the wall from collapsing completely. She now lives in a new residence built by the Housing Development Department of Turkey (TOKI), and she credits state support for her survival. “I lost everything but the state always stood by me. It gave me a home and a new life,” she said.

Mustafa Yurtseven, a father of two, was rescued from the same rubble six hours after the earthquake. He’s been home alone since his family was visiting friends. He tried to escape, but it was too late. “Everything flew in the dust. All I heard were screams,” he recalled in memory of the disaster. “I thought that was it, and I was going to die,” said Yurtseven. He recovered from the disaster but the trauma of losing his neighbors still haunts Yurtseven. “My neighborhood has completely disappeared,” he said. “My only consolation is that my family was not with me and did not suffer.” “I will never forget that night,” he said, “but I buried my memories there.”

The agony of loss still exists on Meric Disley. His most memorable moments are intertwined with earthquakes. His son Mirach Kahn was born in 2007, during a 5.9-magnitude earthquake in Sevres, and in fact, it was the earthquake that day that accelerated the birth. Thirteen years later, another earthquake struck again in Sivrice and claimed the lives of Mirach and his mother Pinar, who was six and a half months pregnant with a baby girl. Meric Disley himself was pulled out alive from under the rubble 12 hours later.

What shocked him most was a conversation he had with his wife and son minutes before the earthquake. “We were watching the news on TV about another earthquake in Manisa. My son told me to bury him with his mother if he died in an earthquake and my wife told me she wanted to be buried next to her father if she died in an earthquake. I got upset and asked them why they kept talking about death. I got up from my seat, that’s when the earthquake hit “.

Disley witnessed the last moments of his son and wife and remembers his desperation at not being able to save them as he was also buried under the rubble. He said, “My son told me to save him before he died. My wife spoke to me for 15 minutes before she vomited blood and died. God knows no such pain.” He recovered after eight surgeries and psychiatric treatment, but says he still lives by “the memories.” “The 20-second earthquake changed my whole life,” he said.

As for their last conversation, Disley fulfilled the wishes of his son and wife and buried them beside his mother and father respectively.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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