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A “brain earthquake” study can give insight into the future impacts of the COVID crisis



Wednesday 3 June 2020 12:14 PM. Press release: University of Otago

“Brain earthquake” is a real phenomenon that is weakening
Memory of people even after years of vibration stopped, a
A world-leading study from the University of Otago,
Christchurch has shown.

Principal Research Professor
Richard Porter says the study may be the first
Clearly show the relationship between the constant pressure of
Earthquakes and poor memory, or “earthquake brain”. He
He says the results can be related to understanding
The impact of the COVID-19 crisis like many people, including
The most vulnerable, suffer from the underlying
Continuous stress related to the virus.

Professor Porter
And his team put more than 200 people through a series of
Tests between two and four years after an earthquake
February 22, 2011 to assess learning and memory skills,
Accuracy and fine motor skill. The study included three
Distinctive groups. One consists of people who have been diagnosed
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related
Earthquakes. The second group was the people who suffered from
But earthquakes described themselves as dealing well with their existence
Flexible despite moderate to high exposure to earthquakes
Events such as bodily injury, death of loved ones, and
Income or loss of property. The last group was the people who did
Do not suffer from earthquakes or aftershocks.

The researchers found those who suffered from earthquakes
Optical memory is much poorer than others. the test
Involve navigating through a maze, and remember how
Move faster on subsequent tests. People in
The PTSD group was worse at testing its motor skill,
They chased a tile through the computer

“This may indicate a general difficulty in
Keeping information in short-term memory – something
This is important for many aspects of daily life. at
A test where healthy individuals made about 5 errors in
By traversing the maze, the earthquake revealed the people they made 7
Errors. “

Professor Porter says the study suggests
Earthquake exposure, and associated stress, affects
Aspects of neuropsychiatric performance. This could be
Important implications for how information is shared in a
Post-disaster context because communication is at the population level
Educational initiatives are the cornerstone of the recommendations
Interventions after adverse events.

Evidence of
Previous international studies have found that most people have been exposed to it
The trauma suffers from a short-term distress that stabilizes. The
The Christchurch study is the first to appear more permanent
Effect, he says.

“Destructive and long lasting
A series of earthquakes and aftershocks means a large number of
People experienced similar traumatic events and creation
The opportunity to study the impact of this

People were tested in our study 2-3 years
After the big earthquakes, they show the long-term effect. ”
We are currently testing people after 8-9 years of earthquakes
To see if the effect still exists – and photograph it
Brains to see if there is
the changes.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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