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Los Angeles Earthquake: Cudahy Residents Have Mixed Reactions to 3.3 Magnitude Quake | Latin Post

Los Angeles Earthquake: Cudahy Residents Have Mixed Reactions to 3.3 Magnitude Quake |  Latin Post
Los Angeles Earthquake: Cudahy Residents Have Mixed Reactions to 3.3 Magnitude Quake |  Latin Post


By Jess Smith First Posted: Feb 01, 2022 09:28 PM EST

A 3.3-magnitude earthquake struck about a mile southwest of Cudahy in Los Angeles County, shaking parts of Southern California on Tuesday morning, according to a US Geological Survey.

USGS reported that the quake hit at 9:26 am and had a depth of about nine miles, per ABC 7.

Citizens Flood Twitter with Reactions on Quake

As shaking was felt throughout the LA region, Twitter users shared their own experiences.

“The fact that the earthquake was on the border of south gate and Cudahy screams latinophobia,” wrote @itsjustcaroo.

the fact that the earthquake was on the border of south gate and cudahy screams latinophobia ?

— carolina ? (@itsjustcaroo) February 1, 2022

I am on the phone with my mom and she screamed “MY LIFEEE” in spanish and i told her to calm down and she said she was eating those little animal cookies when she felt the earthquake??? 4.1 in cudahy cali.

— Kay Kay ? (@_kaykay69) February 1, 2022

Twitter user Kay-kay shared that she was on the phone with her mother when suddenly she heard her scream “My Life” in Spanish.

California residents also felt the shaking in cities like Lakewood, Commerce, and Compton.

No immediate reports of damages or injuries have been recorded, according to ABC7.

The tremor hit “quite deep at 14 km,” said Dr. Lucy Jones, seismologist and public voice for earthquake science and earthquake safety in California.

“A small M3.3 in Cudahy. Probably felt around much of LA Basin,” Jones posted on Twitter.

Jones encouraged those who felt the quake to share their experiences to the section of the USGS website, “Did You Feel It?”

Earthquakes that fall between magnitudes 3.0 to 3.9 on the Richter scale are considered minor. The quake is felt and objects inside are going to shake around, but there is very rare damage.

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M4.1 Earthquake Hits San Diego, Riverside Counties

On Sunday, a 4.1-magnitude earthquake also rattled parts of Southern California, including San Diego and Riverside Counties, that is powerful enough to get people talking across Southern California.

According to the New York Times, though small earthquakes are common in the region, this one “felt more potent,” Sandra Herrera said, a resident in Menifee, a city located about 75 miles north of San Diego.

Ms. Herrera, 22, added, “I thought it could be the Big One,” referring to the long-feared earthquake in California.

According to experts, there was no cause to be concerned about the earthquake in Southern California.

Don Blakeman, a geophysicist at the National Earthquake Information Center in Colorado, which is part of the US Geological Survey, remarked: “This is not a big deal.”

Although there are multiple faults in the area that generate many small earthquakes, a 4.1-magnitude temblor is minor in comparison to some of the area’s more significant quakes, such as the 6.7-magnitude Northridge earthquake in 1994 where 60 people died.

There were no reports of any consequence or damage as a result of the earthquake on Sunday, according to Blakeman, as it usually takes upward of a 5.0 earthquake to do damage in the US

Although the agency did not have an estimate for how long the earthquake had lasted, numerous people said it was between 10 and 20 seconds.

According to the Southern California Seismic Network, there were two mild aftershocks.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Jess Smith

WATCH: Small Earthquake Hits Cudahy, Felt throughout Los Angeles – from CBS Los Angeles

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