Earthquake information: M5.7 earthquake on Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 15:54 UTC / Bali Sea (Indonesia)
Date and time: Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 15:54 UTC
Amount: 5.7
Depth: 657.0 km
Earthquake latitude / longitude: 7.06 ° S / 116.89 ° E (Indonesia)
Nearest volcano: Renjani (158 km)
Primary data source: GFZ Rated power: 2.2 * 10 ^ 13 J (6.22 GWh / 5351 tons of TNT / 0.3 equivalent atomic bombs) [learn more]If you felt this earthquake (or if you are close to the epicenter), please share your experience with us and provide a short “feel it” report. . – Thank you. Data on the earthquake itself was also reported by other TimeMag agencies. / DepthLocationSourceWed, 3 Jun 2020Wed, 3 Jun 15:54 UTCM 5.7 / 653 kmBali Sea (Indonesia) BMKGWed, 3 Jun 15:54 UTCM 5.7 / 645.9 kmBali Sea (Indonesia) GeoAuWed, 3 Jun 15:54 UTCM 5.7 / 650 kmBali Sea (Indonesia) EMSCWed, 3 Jun 15:54 UTCM 5.7 / 641.7 km 168 NW from Labuan Lombok, Indonesia USSS “Felt” reports: (256.1 km southwest of epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) (applicable) (248.2 km southwest of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) (via application) (185.4 km SSW from epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (via application) (193.8 km SSW from epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (via application) (202.4 km SSW from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI VII (Very Strong Vibration) (via application) Mataram (189.2 km SSW from epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (Very Low Vibration) (applicable) (257.5 km southwest of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (Weak vibration): Outdoor (application) (274.9 km from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (via application) Serangan Bali Indonesia 80229 (259.4 km SW from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (Very weak vibration) (via application) Sanur Bali Indonesia (256.3 km SW from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) (via application) Kuta lombok indonesia (214.3 km SSW from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration): Tremor felt 2-3 seconds (application) (197.1 km southwest of epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (via application) (193.8 km SSW from epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration): Akuh saiangh amuh (via application) Canggu (261.3 km SW from epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration): more swing than vibration. (214.8 km SSW from epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (via application) (256.6 km SW from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) (via application) Denpasar (258.2 km southwest of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (via application) Petulu (238.7 km southwest of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration): wake us up. (Via application) RENON (257.3 km southwest of epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (applicable) (271.1 km southwest of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (applicable) (263 km southwest of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (258.5 km from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) (via application) Kalipare, Malang (504.9 km WSW from epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (258.2 km southwest of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (via application) (258.5 km from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (Very weak vibration) (via application) Mataram (187.6 km SSW from epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (applicable) (267.3 km southwest of epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) (applicable) (256 km southwest from the epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (Very Low Vibration) (via application) (186 km SSW from epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (light vibration) (via application)
Denpasar / MMI IV (slight vibration): The vibration is light enough to wake me up but I am very light sleeper. lsdtef is less than one minute
Cr. Felicitate, Mataram. / MMI II (Very weak vibration)
Renon / MMI III (weak vibration): 3 seconds of ultra-light vibration
Bali / MMI 3 (weak vibration)
Seminyak / MMI IV (slight vibration): sofa vibration
Surfing / MMI IV (light vibration)
Canggu / MMI IV (slight vibration)
Mataram / mmi3 (weak vibration): swinging vibration
Kuta Lombok / MMI IV (light vibration)
Brandenburg an der Havel / MMI IV (slight vibration)
Kabupaten badung / MMI IV (slight vibration)
Sanur / Mmi4 (slight vibration): winding glass doors and fixing the bed for a few seconds.
Kuta, Lombok / MMI3 (weak vibration): in Kuta, Lombok
Legian, Bali / MMI IV (slight vibration)
Nusa Dua / MMI IV (slight vibration)
canggu / MMI IV (light vibration)
Kuta / MMI IV (slight vibration)
Andong / MMI IV (slight vibration)
Denpasar / MMI V (moderate vibration)
Sanur Bali / MMI IV (slight vibration)
sanur / MMI III (weak vibration)
(Indonesia) (743 km north from the epicenter) (without details): Стол пошатало (via EMSC) Kauman (Indonesia) (405 km west from the epicenter) (without details): Saya dan keluarga saya merasakan gempa (via EMSC) Krajan Wetan Tanjungrejo (Indonesia) (394 km south of the epicenter) (without details): Goyang, Dikit (via EMSC) Jimbaran (Indonesia) (273 km south of the epicenter) (without details): Uluwatu – wake up on the sixth floor From the hotel room with the entire bed shaking. I felt it lasted for about 10 or 15 seconds (via EMSC) Nusa Dua (Indonesia) (269 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): I felt in Nusa Dua, the doors shook and the building shook about 2 or 3 seconds (via EMSC) Nusa Dua (Indonesia) (269 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): strong vibration (via EMSC) Kuta (Indonesia) (267 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): about 5 seconds, Bali, Kuta, 23 : 56 (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Хорошо так шатало (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): ada goyangan gempa (Via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Was shaking slightly for about 20 seconds on the second floor of the house (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) No Details)): Little Vibration (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (Not Details): Not too long or too strong but enough to wake me up. Seminyak (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): The house was shaking for a few seconds (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): I felt in soputan denpasar bali (via EMSC) (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): 5-second slight vibration (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (no details): no Also large and very long (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): a small movement in Kerobokan (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): The shocks were felt in Denpasar, Bali (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): gentle wobble for about 5 seconds. (Via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Потрясло кровать норм так (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): I thought someone was knocking My window so I started filming because I was scared … then I realized it was an earthquake when I received a two-minute notice (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (no details): I m on the second floor and heard like The roads on my windows and my cat woke up and stared at the windows .. very scary but I did not feel the vibration (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest) from the epicenter) (without details): still continuing !!! Good 40 seconds in Legian (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Legian. The house was shaking, the doors were rattled (via EMSC) Legian (Indonesia) (266 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): shaking in Kuta (via EMSC) Banjar Kerobokan (Indonesia) (263 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details (: I would say somewhere around 4.2 … short and gentle vibration … (via EMSC) Karyadharma (Indonesia) (262 km south from the epicenter) (without details): just a few seconds (via EMSC) Karyadharma (Indonesia (262 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): pintu rumah saya bergetar, sulit berjalan, ranjang goyang (via EMSC) Banjar Gunungpande (Indonesia) (261 km southwest of the earthquake epicenter) (without details): strong vibration (via EMSC) (Indonesia) (261 km south of the epicenter) (no detail): There was no effect I am absolutely sure that I was lying on my bed to rest from tomorrow is my exam. But it was small, I don’t know though, because all my family members are very sleeping (via EMSC) (Indonesia) (261 km southwest of the epicenter) (no details): Gempa (via EMSC) (Indonesia) ( 261 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): short vibration maybe 5 (via EMSC) (Indonesia) (261 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): fragile (via EMSC) Banjar Medura (Indonesia) (258 km SW from the epicenter ((without details): the whole room was shaking (via EMSC) Banjar Medura (Indonesia) (258 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Très légère secousse sur Sanur a Bali (via EMSC (Banjar Medura) Indonesia (258 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): scary dreadful in Sanur (via EMSC) Banjar Medura (Indonesia) (258 km southwest of the earthquake epicenter) (without details): part of the shaking that occurs in Sanur ( Via EMSC) Banjar Medura (Indonesia) (258 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): a small tremor in Sanur (via EMSC) Denpasar (Indonesia) (258 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Denpasar, second floor Everything shakes a lot (Via EMSC) Denpasar (Indonesia) (258 km SW f rom epicenter) (without details): Denpasar, second floor, everything is shaking (via EMSC) Denpasar (Indonesia) (258 km southwest of the epicenter) ): Very strong shaking home for approximately 4-5 seconds Renon South East DenPasar (via EMSC) Banjar Pemangkalan (Indonesia) (257 km south from the epicenter) (without details): felt in denpasar (via EMSC) (Indonesia) (256) Km km southwest of the epicenter (without details): waves in the pool (via EMSC) (Indonesia) (256 km southwest of the earthquake epicenter) (no details): vibrate for 20 seconds. Low speed. (Via EMSC) Dajan Tangluk (Indonesia) (256 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): I felt in Sanur (via EMSC) Banjar Kertajiwa (Indonesia) (254 km southwest of the epicenter) (no details): light Very just a few seconds (via EMSC) Banjar Sedang (Indonesia) (250 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Ubud. Very intense vibration for approximately 10 seconds (via EMSC) Banjar Sedang (Indonesia) (250 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Very heavy vibration in Ubud, Bali for approximately 15 seconds (via EMSC) Banjar Sedang (Indonesia) (250 km SW from earthquake epicenter) (no details): bed shaking. I thought my partner was moving and my partner thought himself (via EMSC) Banjar Tebongkang (Indonesia) (247 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): I felt the sofa was moving a little for two seconds in south Ubud (via EMSC) Banjar Pande (Indonesia) (246) SW km from the epicenter) (without details): A Ubud, un léger balancing (via EMSC) Banjar Pande (Indonesia) (246 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): 23:56 Bali time. Ubud. 23:56 Bali time: The bed was shaking for at least 40 seconds (via EMSC) Banjar Pande (Indonesia) (246 km southwest of the epicenter). My bed was shaking for at least 40 seconds. Second floor Ubud (via EMSC) Blahbatuh (Indonesia) (245 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): I feel a bed shake .. Saba, Blahbatuh, Gianyar (via EMSC) Ubud (Indonesia) (245 km southwest of the epicenter) (Without details)): No (via EMSC) Ubud (Indonesia) (245 km southwest of epicenter) (without details): You woke me up. (Via EMSC) Ubud (Indonesia) (243 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Vibration in Ubud (via EMSC) Ubud (Indonesia) (243 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Everything was shaking for Approximately 30 seconds (via EMSC) Ubud (Indonesia) (243 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Проснулась от того, что трясётся кровать. .буд. (Via EMSC) Ubud (Indonesia) (243 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Strong power (via EMSC) Jungutbatu Kaja Dua (Indonesia) (243 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Quick shake, Noosa Lembongan (via EMSC) Jungutbatu Kaja Dua (Indonesia) (243 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): one quick tremor, Nusa Lembongan (via EMSC) Bunutan (Indonesia) (241 km southwest of the epicenter) ): Just felt a slight earthquake in Kedewatan, Ubud, Bali (via EMSC) Banjar Petuludesa (Indonesia) (241 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Ubud, Bali (via EMSC) Banjar Petuludesa (Indonesia) (241 km south West of epicenter) (no details): The door was shaking. I thought it was a strong wind outside. (Via EMSC) Sidemen (Indonesia) (227 km south of the epicenter) (without details): Sidemen felt light (via EMSC) (Indonesia) (218 km south of the epicenter) (no details): No (via EMSC) Kute (Indonesia) (218 km south of the epicenter) (without details): Movimiento en la cama, como un Balanceo (via EMSC) Kute (Indonesia) (218 km south of the epicenter) (no details): wake up from the bed while Shake (via EMSC) Kute (Indonesia) (218 km south from the epicenter) (without details): I felt shaking the bed and woke up (via EMSC) Sekongkang Bawah (Indonesia) (217 km south of the epicenter) (no details): shaking in 30 seconds (via EMSC) Sekongkang Bawah (Indonesia) (217 km south of earthquake epicenter) (no details): vibration in 30 seconds. Sumbawa (via EMSC) Pengembur Dua (Indonesia) (210 km south from the epicenter) (without details): selong belanak lombok bed moving slowly (via EMSC) Biaslantang Kaler (Indonesia) (201 km southwest from the epicenter) ): Little hair in Amed (via EMSC) (Indonesia) (197 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Tidak berasa (via EMSC) (Indonesia) (195 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Goyang kanan kiri (via EMSC) Karangparwa (Indonesia) (195 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Saya tidak merasakan seeikit (via EMSC) Karangparwa (Indonesia) (195 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): 6 riyals (via EMSC) Mataram (Indonesia) (193 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): somewhat slight vibration around level 3. Lombok Mataram (via EMSC) Mataram (Indonesia) (193 km southwest of the center of Earthquake) (without details): Lombok Mataram (via EMSC) Mataram (Indonesia) (193 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): vibration (via EMSC) Mataram (Indonesia) (193 km southwest of the epicenter) F Thoroughbreds: slightly bobbing (via EMSC) Mataram (Indonesia) (193 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Birjuyang Lomanian (via EMSC) Mataram (Indonesia) (193 km southwest of the epicenter) (without details): Felt in Mataram (via EMSC) Tanaktibung (Indonesia) (190 km south of earthquake epicenter) (without details): Terrassa (via EMSC) Gili Air (Indonesia) (173 km southwest) from epicenter) (without details): I’m on Gili Air (via EMSC) earthquakes in the same region until one year later (aftershocks) – view
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