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Earthquake Protection for Southern California Homeowners


2014 South Napa CA M6 Earthquake – August 24Pavement buckling and tented sidewalk resulting from the South Napa Earthquake. Photograph credit: Thomas Holzer, USGS

Southern California is a beautiful place to live, but it’s not without its dangers. One of the biggest threats to homeowners in this area is earthquakes. A major quake can cause serious damage to your property and even injure or kill you if you’re not prepared. This article will discuss how you can protect your home from earthquakes with a soft story retrofit and safeguard yourself and your loved ones.

Types of Earthquakes And Their Effects On Homes

There are three main types of earthquakes: thrust, strike-slip, and reverse. Each one can cause different types of damage to homes.

Thrust earthquakes happen when two plates push against each other. The earthquake’s force causes one plate to move up and over the other plate. This type of quake is most common in California and can cause severe damage to not properly reinforced buildings.

Strike-slip earthquakes happen when two plates slide past each other. They usually occur along fault lines and are less common than thrust quakes. These quakes tend to be less destructive, but they can still cause a lot of damage to poorly constructed homes.

Reverse earthquakes happen when a plate slips underneath another plate. They are very rare and usually do not cause much damage to houses, but they can still leave behind some serious structural problems.

How To Retrofit Your Home For Earthquake Protection

Earthquake retrofitting is a great way to protect your home from earthquakes and other natural disasters. A house that’s been properly reinforced will be less likely to fall apart in an earthquake or hurricane than one that hasn’t had any work done on it at all! A soft story retrofit involves adding support beams under the foundation of your property so that when there’s shaking caused by high winds or tremors underground (which happens during earthquakes), those elements don’t collapse onto themselves as easily (or even break away altogether) . This prevents major structural damage, leading to death if no one was home during the natural disaster.

Earthquake Protection and How It Can Be Offset By Insurance

Earthquake protection can be expensive, but it’s worth it in the long run. The average cost to retrofit a home for earthquake protection is around $5000, but this varies depending on the size and age of your property. You may also offset some of these costs by purchasing earthquake insurance.

The Importance Of Having An Earthquake Plan In Place

It’s important to have an earthquake plan in place so that you and your loved ones know what to do if there’s a major quake. This includes having a designated meeting spot outside of your house if it’s not safe to stay inside, making sure everyone knows how to turn off the gas and water, and having a stockpile of food and supplies that will last you for at least 72 hours.

Southern California is a seismically active region, and homeowners in the area should take measures to protect their property from earthquakes. There are three main types of earthquakes: strike-slip, thrust, and reverse faulting. Each type can cause different types of damage to homes. Doing a soft story retrofit on your home for earthquake protection can mitigate the effects of an earthquake on your property. The cost of earthquake protection can be offset by insurance, and it is important to have an earthquake plan in place in the case of an emergency.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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