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The inventory lists the number of schools most at risk of earthquake

The inventory lists the number of schools most at risk of earthquake
The inventory lists the number of schools most at risk of earthquake


SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – An inventory of “unreinforced construction” in schools reveals which buildings are at greatest risk of damage in an earthquake. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Utah Division of Emergency Management have released this inventory or list of school buildings across the state.

In a statement issued by the two organizations said the inventory has been in development for more than a decade to support state efforts to identify buildings with unsafe structures that may be at much greater risk in an earthquake than buildings constructed under modern building codes.

“The inventory of unsupported school buildings has been an ongoing project for several years. We believe this transparency will help unite communities and identify resources to eventually repair or replace remaining buildings and ultimately maintain the safety of our students.”

The inventory was completed as a collaboration between all 41 public school districts across the state. Because of this collective effort, along with support from the private sector, the number of schools has been gradually reduced.

The Unsupported Construction Project identified 119 college campuses with unsupported construction work across the state.

The statement read, “Sixty years ago, about 95 percent of schools were URMs. Today, that number is about 12 percent. This represents drastic improvements to school safety. It also represents important investments by communities that voted for bonds to rebuild schools or Adjusted to mitigate earthquake damage. Utah should be proud of the progress that has already been made.”

Progress continues to improve school buildings. The Alpine School District has completed the demolition of the Geneva School and the Provo School District has announced that Dixon Middle School will be replaced in 2024.

“Utah has always built a culture of vision, improvement, preparedness, and resilience. This report is the result of a tremendous effort from many people interested in earthquake preparedness,” said John Crofts, director of the Utah Emergency Department earthquake program. “It is the first step toward increasing earthquake safety in our schools. . We hope this report will support ongoing efforts to preserve life, property, and the environment, and to help Utah become a stronger and more resilient state. “

The statement clarified that just because a school was on the list did not mean it was in imminent danger of collapse and identified unreinforced construction which states that “unreinforced construction—building with brick or block without rebar or steel rebar—was common throughout Utah until earthquakes Building codes became more prevalent in the 1970s. Such structures can more easily succumb to movement and shake during an earthquake, posing a threat to building occupants as well as individuals outside in close proximity to buildings.”

Modern laws require buildings to have steel reinforcement. You can find the full report here.

“It is very satisfying to see this report published. It has been a long time coming and represents an important step forward in making Utah more resilient to earthquake damage,” said Keith Cooper, director of seismic stations at the University of Utah and chair of the Utah Seismic Safety Commission. “The collaboration and unity demonstrated by state and federal agencies, local school districts, and the private sector in producing this report is impressive.”

Verifying and finalizing the statewide inventory of URM school buildings was the first recommendation and objective in the Wasatch Front Unsupported Construction Risk Reduction Strategy, which FEMA released in March 2021.




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