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Six months after the earthquake, no more than 4 out of 5 destroyed or damaged schools have been reconstructed

Six months after the earthquake, no more than 4 out of 5 destroyed or damaged schools have been reconstructed


PORT-AU-PRINCE / PANAMA CITY / NEW YORK, 14 February 2022 – Six months after the devastating earthquake that struck southwest Haiti, more than 1,000 schools have yet to be reconstructed in the hardest-hit areas of Sud, Grand Anse and Nippes, an estimated 320,000 UNICEF said today. A child studying in environments that are not conducive to learning.

“Ensuring that children go back to school is not only a moral imperative, but it is also essential to their health, mental health, nutrition and general well-being,” said Bruno Maes, UNICEF Representative in Haiti. “After six months, reconstruction is definitely underway. However, hundreds of schools are still in ruins. Without schools, many children may abandon their studies. Rebuilding the educational infrastructure and providing students and teachers with educational materials is urgent and essential if we want children to recover Feeling of life returning to normal.

Despite significant response efforts in a very challenging context, more than 260,000 children are still in need of immediate humanitarian assistance.

“The earthquake that devastated the southern peninsula deprived people of vital access to basic social services,” Maes said. “Thousands of women and children still rely on mobile health clinics for treatment or on water trucks for clean water.” Water, food, health and education, dozens of children and women are in dire and urgent need.”

The nutritional and health needs of earthquake-affected children are great, and are often addressed as many health facilities have yet to be reconstructed. In the earthquake-affected areas, clean water and hygiene services are urgently needed to avoid a re-emergence of waterborne diseases such as cholera, after three years without a single case reported in the country.

On August 14, 2021, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck the provinces of Sud, Grand Anse and Nippes, and three days later it was hit by torrential rains caused by Tropical Depression Grace, affecting 800,000 people, including 340,000 children. According to official data, more than 2,200 people died, and about 115,000 homes, 97 health facilities and 1,250 schools were destroyed or damaged.

UNICEF was one of the first actors on the ground to distribute humanitarian aid to the victims. Within 24 hours of the earthquake, UNICEF dispatched six emergency medical kits containing essential medicines and other supplies to care for 30,000 people, including children, in the affected areas.

UNICEF’s response on the ground, in collaboration with the Government of Haiti and other local and international partners, has included:

234 temporary educational spaces are under construction in 38 schools. Rehabilitation of 900 classrooms in 150 damaged schools has begun. More than 74,000 students and 1,600 teachers have received teaching and learning materials, with U-Reporters contributing to distribution efforts in their communities. Deploying mobile health clinics in 18 municipalities most affected by the earthquake, and strengthening more than 27 health institutions for the restoration and continuity of primary health care. UNICEF partner NGOs are rehabilitating 10 health centres. More than 52,000 people, including 15,800 children, have benefited from integrated health services, including food assistance, psychological support, and intensified efforts to boost access to COVID-19 vaccines. UNICEF has stockpiled emergency food supplies to care for 27,000 severely malnourished children in earthquake-affected Niés, South and Grand Anse. 4,800 children under the age of five were treated for moderate or severe acute malnutrition. More than 23,000 hygiene kits, including soap, household water treatment products and menstrual hygiene kits, were distributed to serve 121,000 people, including children. 440,000 people, including children, were reached with access to drinking water, cooking and personal hygiene through the rehabilitation of 22 drinking water supply systems, and capacity building for water production and water trucking distribution. 171 unaccompanied or separated children were reunited with their families and provided psychosocial support. More than 19,000 girls and boys have benefited from psychosocial and recreational activities in 50 UNICEF-supported child-friendly spaces, so that children can gain a sense of normalcy.

At the end of 2021, UNICEF requested $97 million through the Children’s Humanitarian Appeal to address the urgent needs of 950,000 people, including 520,000 children, due to the combined impact of the 2021 earthquake, climate-related natural disasters, and ongoing political situations. and socio-economic crisis, insecurity due to gang violence, forced returns, internal displacement and COVID-19. So far, only a third of the required funding has been raised. This funding request will be updated and revised based on emerging needs and in close coordination with Haitian authorities and partners.





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