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Seeds of love in memory of the Canterbury earthquake

Seeds of love in memory of the Canterbury earthquake


Saturday, February 19, 2022, 7:34 PM Press Release: Kia Boawai Boom

Two inspiring women come together in Christchurch for a new and distinctive collaboration, bringing together the heart of a project commemorating the River Flowers earthquake and giving the seeds of love.

Michelle Whitaker organizes “River of Flowers” every year, and in preparation for this year’s earthquake remembrance next Tuesday, February 22nd, we’ve gone through beautiful messages of hope from the previous anniversary. “The letters make honest reading – we have all had different earthquake experiences but what is evident from the letters is a love for the city and hope to overcome the challenges we face. It is amazing and something we should all be proud of.”

Rebecca Barnham created Giving Seeds of Love in the wake of the mosque attacks, turning thousands of cards into transplanted hearts through community workshops. Giving the seeds of love is to cultivate meaningful connections by using wildflowers as a symbol of diversity. Rebecca explains that “in nature, diversity is a strength and leads to a healthy ecosystem. The same can be true for society.”

Over the years, thousands of Flower River Letters have been collected. Michelle approached Rebecca Barnham about memorizing the cards and we came up with the idea of ​​turning them into sorted hearts, too. The Seeds of Love partnership with Flower River enabled Rebecca to share the healing skills she gained as a social worker during earthquakes and after the March 15, 2019 tragedy.

The collaboration, with the help of funding, aims to create a special card and run workshops in the community to make local hearts for the twelfth anniversary of the earthquake. These workshops are about creating opportunities for people to connect with each other and participate in a healing process where they can achieve something tangible.

“Imagine seeded hearts growing along our waterways to help our rivers become healthier,” says Rebecca. Flourish will work with their scientific advisor Dr. Colin Meurk to get the right seeds.

River of Flowers has always been about the celebration of rivers. It was so important to the late Evan Smith who had partnered with Michelle in previous years to run River Flowers. “Evan will be glad we are adding to our biodiversity and health or our rivers by sowing the seeds for the right indigenous people in remembrance next year,” Michelle says.

This year, to celebrate the eleventh anniversary of the River of Flowers, we are under the red alert for COVID-19, and Michelle encourages people to self-regulate and stay safe.

We will all celebrate this anniversary differently. Some will reflect on the issues they are still fighting – lost loved ones, life-changing injuries and insurance, while others will celebrate our progress and reflect on their own life challenges. “Thousands have participated in the past years,” says Michelle. “It has become a safe place to deal with difficult emotions, whether about earthquakes or other losses and now difficult times with COVID-19.”

“We are expecting small numbers this year, but we are keeping you safe by following the COVID rules, wearing a mask, bringing your flowers and showing up anytime during the day. If you want to be with others, go to any of the 12 locations between 12.30 – 1.30 p.m. The flowers fall into the river, clump together like our city, while the flowers drift toward the sea,” says Michelle.

The River of Flowers has become part of Christchurch’s story and “giving seeds of love” is one of the few rituals that support grief and healing at a community level.

Flourish Kia Puāwai leads the river of flowers for innovative community and environmental well-being.

For a full list of the 12 site details, head over to

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