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Portland’s Tonga community strengthens ties with their homeland after earthquake and tsunami: ‘Never forget where we came from’

Portland’s Tonga community strengthens ties with their homeland after earthquake and tsunami: ‘Never forget where we came from’
Portland’s Tonga community strengthens ties with their homeland after earthquake and tsunami: ‘Never forget where we came from’


Five thousand miles separate the beaches of Tonga and the banks of the Willamette River. But on Friday, Portland landmarks were lit up to honor the unbroken connection between the two communities, even in the aftermath of the disaster.

The glass towers of the Oregon Convention Center glow red and white — the same colors as the Tonga flag that now flies over Portland City Hall — as a crowd of 50 gathered at dusk to watch the lights of the Morrison Bridge turn crimson and alabaster.

A computer glitch delayed the bridge’s planned lighting until later in the evening, but Tonga community leaders in Portland said they gained something more important than the twinkling lights: recognition.

“It’s a relief to know that we have people around us who really care about us,” said community leader Sulassi Laulawalo. “Not just our little nation, but humanity.”

After a volcano and tsunami devastated parts of Tonga, some Tonga residents gathered in Portland to watch Morrison Bridge turn red and white in honor of the Tonga flag.

Unfortunately, it did not happen due to a computer glitch

However, the convention center lit up!

– Zane Sparling (@PDXzane) February 19, 2022

The eruption of an undersea volcano triggered a tsunami that devastated the entire islands of Tonga on January 15, but while the death toll was minimal, the shock waves cut off internet and international communications in the Pacific island nation, leaving members The Polynesian diaspora has little to do otherwise. Worry and wait.

Relief efforts have since reached the 169-island archipelago of 100,000 people, which has been largely free of COVID-19 because its borders were essentially closed.

Colini Fusitwa Mark Graves / The Oregonian

“Even though we’re not there physically, we’ve been shocked from afar because our family is there,” Colini Fausitwa said during a waterfront gathering in Portland. Our neighbors have reached out and supported us. Unfortunately, that came at a price, and that price was COVID.”

Despite the challenges facing Tonga, Friday’s event represented an opportunity for dozens of about 2,000 Tonga living in the Portland area to come together and cherish their community.

Fausitwa, who serves as the Pacific Islands community coordinator for the nonprofit Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization, said he just had to look out his office window on Northeast 81st Avenue and Sandy Boulevard to see a retaining wall built by Tonji stone.

Virginia Fainocco, a recent graduate of the University of Washington, said the work of the older generation to preserve her heritage and culture inspired her to take a job at Vancouver Public Schools as a student advocate for Chukes children from Micronesian families.

“I’m back in Vancouver to serve my community and work with at-risk youth in our communities of color,” she said. “We never forget where we came from.”

As night fell on Friday and thousands of roosting crows joined the choir, the crowd gathered to perform many traditional prayers and choral songs – and played South Pacific pop music on a portable speaker.

The kids rode around on electric scooters, and suddenly the party was in full swing.

“I just want to dance when I see the Tonga flag,” Fai Tautwa said during a break from the festivities. “I am very happy inside my heart.”

Dozens of people gather at Tom McCall Waterfront Park at dusk on Friday, February 18, 2022, to watch Morrison Bridge light up in support of the Tonga community. The bridge and the Oregon Convention Center are lit up in red and white, the colors of the flag of Tonga. A volcanic eruption caused devastating effects across the Pacific island nation in January. Mark Graves / The Oregonian

– Zane Sparling, [email protected]; 503-319-7083; Tweet embed




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