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Chappelle’s main cast announces Quake as their first featured comedian

Chappelle’s main cast announces Quake as their first featured comedian
Chappelle’s main cast announces Quake as their first featured comedian


Netflix has announced a whole new slate of comedy specials coming to the platform from comedian Dave Chappelle. Chappelle’s Home Team is a series of indie specials featuring veteran comics that Chappelle has chosen to highlight some of the comedians who have been in the game for most of their lives. The first special titled The Neighborhood, beloved Quakeshouse radio host, and fellow DC of Chappelle’s in Earthquake. It will premiere on February 28th.

An Earthquake special, titled Earthquake: Legendary, sees the comedian make waves ranging from health to wealth, to prostate exams, and discipline children. Chappelle is shown as executive producer and presenter who will introduce Earthquake to audiences, the role he will play for all the comics presented under Chappelle’s Home Team banner. The executive producers are Earthquake, Ricky Hughes, Stan Lathan, and Jermaine Smith. Lathan is back in the director’s chair as well, reprising his role from countless Chappelle comedy specials on Netflix for which he won multiple Primetime Emmys and Grammys.

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Earthquake began his comedy career in the ’90s, quickly became a staple in the comedy community and nearly landed a sitcom with ABC before the project was cancelled. Since then, he has performed in comedy shows across the country while appearing in recurring roles in The Neighborhood, Johnson and Southside. SiriusXM Quakeshouse showed it in the middle of its fourth season on Kevin Hart’s LOL Radio Network.

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Chappelle already has a comedy lineup for his next special show in Donnell Rawlings, another DC comedian. No date has currently been set for Rawlings’ special, but Chappelle released a statement detailing his picks for the first two specials:

I’ve been doing this for a long time and comedians like Quake and Donnell are not only friends but have inspired my career. Anyone in the comedy community knows these names and knows it’s too late to shine. I am proud to be a part of this moment.

This slew of specials come in the wake of the backlash against Chappelle following the release of his special The Closer in October. The longtime comedian has used the special to deal and then promote much of the insensitive humor he has directed at the LGBTQ+ community over the years, a move that led to mass protests from Netflix employees. Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos penned a letter addressing the concern surrounding privacy, claiming it doesn’t cross the “hate line.”

Earthquake: Legendary premieres on Netflix on February 28.

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About the Author Ryan O’Rourke (219 articles published)

Ryan O’Rourke is a game news writer at Collider and a gamer for life. A die-hard Cubs fan, he contributes to FanSided’s blog on the side and can be found glued to his baseball or switch during his spare time.

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