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Dave Chappelle producing four new comedy specials on Netflix

Dave Chappelle producing four new comedy specials on Netflix
Dave Chappelle producing four new comedy specials on Netflix


Netflix has announced “Chappelle’s Home Team,” a series of four comedy specials highlighting comedians hand-picked by Dave Chappelle. The first of the four specials, which Chappelle has executive produced, is called Earthquake: Legendary and features the comedy Earthquake. Scheduled to premiere on February 28, the special features Earthquake as it “shakes the stage and has aftershocks as it heads toward health like wealth, prostate exams, and disciplining children.”

Chappelle will appear in Earthquake: Legendary to introduce the comedian in person, as he will for the other four specials. The first of two Chappelle Fellows specials were released from DC, and Donnell Rawlings announced the second special. Rawlings’ special date will be announced at a later time. Other comedians have yet to be named, but like Earthquake and Rawlings, they are said to be two comedians who have been in the comedy game for over 30 years.

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“I’ve been doing this for a long time and comedians like Kwik and Donnell are not only friends but have inspired my career,” Chappelle said in a statement via Netflix. “Anyone in the comedy community knows these names and knows that their prime time has long since passed. I’m proud to be a part of this moment.”

Emmy and Grammy Award-winning Stan Lathan directs Earthquake: Legendary. Earthquakes were also produced alongside Chappelle, Lathan, Ricky Hughes, and Jermaine Smith.

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Earthquake can also be seen in different TV roles on Netflix

Earthquake currently appears in recurring roles on The Neighborhood for CBS, Johnson for Bounce Network, and South Side for HBO Max. The comedian also struck a development deal for a project with CBS. In addition, he is in his fourth season as host of Quakeshouse, the “Uber-Popular” radio show for Sirius XM 96, produced by Kevin Hart’s LOL Radio Network.

Earthquake will appear in this special at a time when the controversy continues over Dave Chappelle and his Netflix specials. Ultimately, Netflix sided with Chappelle by refusing to pull his own shows despite the backlash to many of his jokes. Of course, committing to a new series of specials produced by Chappelle doubles down on that support. Netflix’s Ted Sarandos said the company made some mistakes in handling the situation but would continue to maintain its partnership with Chappelle.

“Chappelle is one of today’s most popular stand-up comedians, and we have a long-term deal with him,” Sarandos wrote in a note Sarandos sent to the cast. “His latest Sticks and Stones, also controversial, is our most watched, steadfast and most award winning special to date. As with our other talents, we’re working hard to support their creative freedom – although this means there will always be that be content on Netflix that some people think is harmful.”

Earthquake: Legendary will begin streaming on Netflix on February 28. The Closer, Chappelle’s latest special released in 2021 that seemed to have his latest backlash so far, can now be watched live alongside his previous specials on Netflix. You can sign up for

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About the author Jeremy Dick (5,079 articles published)

Jeremy Dick has been a writer and editor since 2014. He is a horror expert, pop culture enthusiast, and Bob Saget fanatic.

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