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Fortnite’s leaning towers could be destroyed again according to data sources

Fortnite’s leaning towers could be destroyed again according to data sources
Fortnite’s leaning towers could be destroyed again according to data sources


Fortnite’s famous tilt towers may be destroyed again right after their long-awaited appearance according to data miners.

According to data miners, the famous tilt towers of Fortnite may be destroyed again a little more than a month after it appeared in its original form. Although it is known as a dangerous place to land Battle Royale Fortnite, it has become a fan favorite over the years and has undergone many transformations. Tilted Towers is back in January of this year, but it looks like it might not last long.

Tilted Towers served as a central point in Fortnite, with most players getting off the bus and quickly eliminating others. The site is widely known for its tall buildings and abundance of booty. However, Tilted was constantly subjected to disasters and changes in the game. Among these are earthquakes, meteors, volcanoes, and a CUBE (a purple cube set to cause death and destruction). As the landmark has been destroyed and rebuilt, Tilted Towers has a few different versions including Neo Tilted, Tilted Town, Gotham City, and Salty Towers. After the prolonged absence of the Leaning Towers in its original form, the site returned once the snow that was buried beneath it melted allowing it to become a popular landing spot in Fortnite Chapter 3, just as it was in the previous chapters.

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Unfortunately, the leaning towers may not last long and may be destroyed again. According to PCGamesN, data miners recently discovered evidence of Tilted’s demise, which indicates that it could most likely be caused by the earthquake caused by the imaginary command and their pits. In an image shared by a game data leaker, a Fortnite map is shown with 3 pits forming a triangle around Tilted Towers. It seems as if Tilted Towers is constantly doomed to destruction, so it comes as no surprise to fans of the game that the location is in danger once again. As of now, tremors can be felt all over the map indicating an earthquake, but the reason for the dig is currently unknown and players are currently busy finding mailbox locations in Fortnite Chapter 3 to destroy for a weekly challenge.

Fortnite is very successful, gathering millions of players every year. Epic is constantly adding updates to the game, ensuring that each season offers players new and exciting aspects to interact with. No wonder so many fans have turned to in-game data mining to explore everything the developer has to offer and are quick to share all their discoveries with the community on social media. However, the popularity of the game is not only limited to the gameplay. Fans have also been rewarded with virtual concerts from Fortnite collaborating artists, including the new Soundwave series.

Although Tilted Towers may disappear from the map again, the community is happy and intrigued by what happens next in the rest of the final chapter. Season 1 of Chapter 3 will end on March 19, so fans will likely have an answer regarding Tilted Towers by then. What might happen to a Fortnite landmark after that point is puzzling, especially given its history.

Next: Why Tom Holland will be in Fortnite twice (as two different skins)

Source: PCGamesN

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About the Author Amaya Lin (10 articles published)

Amaya Lin is a writer for Screenrant, Streamer, Gamer, and Artist based in Ohio. She is currently studying video game design and coding while working on artwork and personal projects. Amaya spends most of her free time with internet friends and her loyal cat, Ivy.

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