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Magnitude 5.6 earthquake hits New Zealand, ‘very small’ network of observations

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake hits New Zealand, ‘very small’ network of observations


An earthquake struck the South Island of New Zealand, the government seismological monitor Geonet confirmed on February 21, 2022. The earthquake was measured at 5.6 on the Ritcher scale, and is said to have struck at a depth of 30 km near the town of Seddon in the Marlborough region. . The effects are felt as far as Wellington, 79 miles away in New Zealand’s North Island.

While earthquakes are no stranger to the nation, people are on edge as they come just weeks after a massive volcanic eruption in Tonga. The tiny island nation was left isolated for days after the massive explosion, as nations around the world struggled to establish connections. On January 27, the nation was also hit by a 6.2-magnitude earthquake, while relief efforts were underway.

For New Zealand, another cause for concern is the 2011 Christchurch earthquake that devastated much of the Canterbury region of the South Island. It was the fifth deadliest disaster in the country’s history, claiming 185 lives. Fortunately, it appears that so far such devastation has been avoided in the February earthquake. We know very little at the moment about the damage done, but in 5.6 it certainly wasn’t a nice damage.

The Geonet map indicates the areas that felt the earthquake on February 21, 2022 (Geonet)

Geonet said it had received “more than 15,000 substantive reports”, including some in the Canterbury region. According to the New Zealand Herald, the worst affected areas appear to be Wellington and Nelson. An interactive map from Geonet indicates that the effects of the earthquake were being felt across the country, including as far north as Auckland. So far, there have been no reports of deaths or damage, but that may change as more news comes in.

On social media, users described the quake as “a weird nice lap here in Whanganui” and “feeling good shaking in the Upper Hutt”. One Twitter user noted, “Upgrading to 5.6 I was a step ladder ready to hang new curtains – a bit of a death train.”

Weird nice roll here in Whanganui

– Science Learning Hub (@NZScienceLearn) Feb 21, 2022

I felt a little shaken in Upper Hutt.

– HansPV (@AitchPeaVay) Feb 21, 2022

Upgrades to 5.6 I was a step ladder ready to hang new curtains – a bit of a roller coaster –

– Dr. Wendy Maddox, DHlthSc, Registered Nurse (dr_wendym_RN) February 21, 2022

“Well that was short, fierce and loud,” commented one user. Another noted, “Swing proper in New Plymouth.” Based on Geonet’s reports, it appears that the earthquake’s effects varied widely, even in areas close to each other, but far from the epicenter.

Well, that was short, fierce, and boisterous

– DarkUnicornBlood (@honyflame) Feb 21, 2022

Swing appropriate in New Plymouth.

– Delwyn Masters (@DelwynMasters) Feb 21, 2022

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