Yellowstone volcano struck nearly 300 earthquakes last month – will it erupt? | Science News
Surveillance services from the US Geological Survey (USGS) have revealed that 274 earthquakes have struck the Yellowstone National Park in the past 28 days. Tremors were relatively small with the largest recording with a magnitude of 3.1 on May 29. Some social media users said they feared the increased activity around Yellowstone might be a sign that the super volcano would burst.
Someone wrote on Twitter: “These earthquakes in Yellowstone are not a joke. If they erupt, it will be the end of the world.” [SIC]
Another said: “So earthquake earthquakes happen in Yellowstone Park where there is the most vulnerable volcano that can kill us.”
Some experts warn that the magnitude of the earthquake is not necessarily an indication that the volcano may erupt, but its magnitude.
“If you get swarms underneath a working volcano, the working hypothesis is that magma moves down there,” said Scott Burns, honorary professor of geology at Portland State University.
Yellowstone volcano struck nearly 300 earthquakes last month – will it erupt? (Picture: Getty)
Surveillance services from the US Geological Survey (USGS) revealed that 274 earthquakes struck Yellowstone (Photo: Getty Images)
But others disagree about whether an earthquake swarm near the volcano could be a sign of things to come.
Jimmy Farrell of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City thinks this is just part of the natural cycle of the Yellowstone volcano, saying: “Earthquake swarms are fairly common in Yellowstone.”
In fact, the U.S. Geological Survey moved to allay fears, noting that the earthquake swarms in Yellowstone are common.
USGS said on Twitter: “There is always a lot of earthquakes, geyser revolutions, and the Earth moving up and down. But that’s what Yellowstone does! Yellowstone is going Yellowstone.”
Read more: Yellowstone Volcano: Is Steamboat Geyser a Sign of Magma?
The Yellowstone volcano eruption, located in the state of Wyoming, America, last erupted on a large scale 640 thousand years ago. (Picture: Getty)
Yellowstone National Park Service said the area usually has about 700 earthquakes a year.
At the highest level, Yellowstone can experience up to 3,000 earthquakes per year.
The US Geological Survey says: “Almost all earthquakes in Yellowstone are fragile events caused by breaking rocks due to crustal pressure.
Although we have been looking at Yellowstone for years, no one has yet identified the “long-term events” that are usually attributed to the magma movement.
“If LP events are observed, this will not mean that Yellowstone prepares to explode. LP earthquakes usually occur in other volcanoes in the world, including those in California, which have not exploded for centuries or thousands of years.”
Do not miss how scientists identified the Yellowstone eruption as a “rapid magma” How did scientists find a volcano 30 times larger than the Yellowstone volcano: what would happen if the Yellowstone volcano erupted?
“Almost all earthquakes in Yellowstone are fragile failure events that occur when rocks are broken by crust pressure.” (Picture: Getty)
The Yellowstone volcano eruption, located in the state of Wyoming, America, last erupted on a large scale 640 thousand years ago.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the chances of a Yellowstone eruption are about one in 730,000.
As 640,000 years have passed since the last major eruption, Yellowstone is nearing an explosion – but it may still be thousands of years away.
However, experts prepare for the worst now, and are studying how to prevent a major eruption, which could instantly wipe out large swaths of the United States.
The most dangerous photo volcanoes (EXPRESS)
A NASA employee believes he has found a unique way to stop a major eruption – by feeding cold water in magma rooms in Yellowstone.
NASA engineer Brian Wilcox hopes to stave off the threat of super eruption that cools magma in rooms inside the volcano.
About 60 to 70 percent of the heat generated by Yellowstone leaks into the atmosphere, but the rest builds up inside. If accumulated enough, it can lead to eruption.
By drilling 10 kilometers into Yellowstone, a NASA employee believes it will be possible to pump high-pressure water that will allow the cold liquid to absorb some heat, before pumping it again.
Yellowstone expected ash cloud (Image: EXPRESS)
Mr. Wilcox told journalist Brian Walsh in his latest book “Times Times” that the plan could cost 3.5 billion dollars (2.9 billion pounds) and would have the added benefit of using steam from a mixture of water and magma to create carbon-free thermal electricity at a much cheaper price than Any alternative energy is currently available on the market.
Mr. Wilcox told Mr. Walsh: “The thing that makes Yellowstone a force of nature is that it stores heat for hundreds of thousands of years before everything becomes detachable in one go. It would be nice if we dried that heat before it caused a lot of damage.”
But others are not convinced of the usefulness of Mr. Wilcox’s idea.
“It all seems a little bit fictional,” Jake Loewenstein, USGS scientist, told Mr Walsh.
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