After Delhi-NCR, the twin earthquakes now hit Jharkhand and Karnataka at the same time
Recurring earthquakes at a time when the country is already grappling with the Corona Virus pandemic and the aftermath of two devastating hurricanes add to the already existing challenges.
Written by: ABP News Bureau | June 05 2020 08:35 AM (IST)
New Delhi: After a series of earthquakes struck the Delhi NCR region, the earthquakes were rocked by two other Indian states Friday morning – Karnataka and Jharkhand. An earthquake measuring 4.7 on the Richter scale hit Jamshedpur in Jharkhand Friday morning 06:55 a.m., according to the National Seismology Center. Meanwhile, tremors measuring 4.0 on the Richter-Hampi scale struck Karnataka today. There are no immediate reports of loss of life or property. Also check: Delhi-NCR experienced 11 earthquakes in two months
This is approaching the pf wake earthquake in Noida, Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday. According to updates from the National Seismology Center, the 3.2-km earthquake struck 19 km southeast of Noida at 10:42 pm on Wednesday.
Delhi-NCR has experienced a series of earthquakes during the past few weeks. One by one, the surface of the national capital is in shock, causing the public to panic. However, none of these tremors were serious and no loss of life or property was reported. Also read: Does a series of small earthquakes in Delhi NCR indicate that the largest around the corner?
Frequent earthquakes at a time when the country is already grappling with the Corona Virus pandemic and the aftermath of two devastating cyclones, one in the Bay of Bengal affecting the neighboring states of Odisha and West Bengal, and the other in the Arabian Sea, affecting Maharashtra and Gujarat, poses a difficult position for government and disaster relief departments.
Fortunately, the earthquakes have not been so severe.
Earthquake regions in India
Depending on the hazards and damage of the earthquake in a specific location, based on observations of the affected areas and their previous seismic activities, India is classified into four seismic regions.
According to the Indian Bureau of Standards, India has four seismic regions – Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4 and Zone 5 with Region 5 being the most dangerous region, while Zone 2 is the least exposed.
Zone 5: It is a “very intense area” that covers areas with the most risky area experiencing earthquakes of MSK IX intensity or greater (severity on an MM scale). It is referred to as the extremely high damage risk area. The Kashmir region is located in the western and central Himalayas, the north and central Bihar, the Northeast India region, the Ranch Koch group and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands group. In general, areas with trap or basalt rocks are vulnerable to earthquakes.
Zone 4
This area is called the “high damage risk zone” and covers areas subject to MSK VIII. It covers the remaining parts of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Sikkim and parts of the Indian Ganges Plains (North Punjab, Chandigarh, West Uttar Pradesh, Terai, North Bengal and Sundarban) and the country’s capital, Delhi, are located in District 4 – and in Maharashtra, the Pattan (Quinnanagar) region is also located in District 4. In Bihar, the northern part of the state is located such as Raxole, near the borders of India and Nepal, in District 4.
Zone 3
This area is classified as a moderate damage risk area subject to MSK VII. They include parts of the following states and the following territories: the remaining parts of Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal, parts of Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka; Kerala Islands, Goa, Lakshadweep.
Zone 2
This area is responsible for MSK VI or less and is classified as a region with a low risk of damage. It covers the rest of the parts.
Zone 1
India’s current zoning does not use Zone 1, and no region in India is classified as Zone 1.
See also:
(Source of information: Wikipedia)
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