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5 deadliest earthquakes ever recorded around the world

5 deadliest earthquakes ever recorded around the world


(Image: STR/JIJI PRESS/AFP via Getty Images)

Earthquakes are one of the most dangerous natural disasters. There are more than 100 earthquakes each year of a magnitude that can cause severe damage.

They strike without warning, and many earthquake zones on Earth coincide with densely populated areas. When major earthquakes occur in these areas, the consequences can be dire, with huge loss of life and incalculable economic costs.

Earthquakes are caused by sudden slipping in faults. Structural panels always move slowly, but get stuck at their edges due to friction. When the pressure on the boundary lines overcomes the friction, an earthquake occurs, which discharges the energy of storms that travels through the Earth’s crust, causing the earthquakes we endure.

The deadliest earthquakes around the world

1. Shaanxi, China

According to Snow Brains, the deadliest earthquake ever reported passed on January 23, 1556, killing 830,000 people. Its magnitude was 8 on the Richter scale, and the center was located near Huaxian in Shaanxi. The earthquake only lasted a few seconds, but it flattened mountains, changed the course of rivers, caused massive floods and caused large fires that burned for several days. Infrastructures at the time were not strong enough to withstand the damage caused by this earthquake. Nearly 100 countries were affected, and many reported a loss of 60% of their population.

2 – Port-au-Prince, Haiti

The 2010 Haiti earthquake is well known and one of the worst natural disasters in human history. On January 12, 2010, a magnitude 7 earthquake struck the capital, Haiti, killing nearly 316,000 people and injuring more than 300,000. The earthquake occurred within six miles of the surface of what is called a shallow quake. In 2010, more than 70% of the Haitian population lived in poverty, and the skyscrapers in Puerto Prince were built without safety regulations.

Read more: Scientists solve the mystery of the 32-year earthquake!

3. Antakya Turkey 115 AD

According to Our World in Data, the 7.5-magnitude earthquake affected 260,000 people and severely damaged the city of Antioch and the surrounding areas around Turkey. Apamea was also destroyed and Beirut was badly damaged. And it caused a local tsunami that destroyed the Lebanese coast.

4. Antakya Turkey 526 AD

Late in 525 AD, an earthquake of magnitude 7 struck the entire city of Antioch. The shock lasted for 18 months, killing 250,000 people. It caused huge damage to the lands of the Byzantine Empire. The earthquake caused severe damage to many infrastructures, especially with the ensuing fire and strong winds.

5. Tokyo, Japan

The Tokyo-Yokohama earthquake, also known as the Great Kanto earthquake, struck the Tokyo metropolitan area at noon on September 1, 1923. The death toll from the massive 7.9 earthquake was estimated at more than 140,000 people. More than half of the brick buildings in the area and a tenth of the reinforced concrete structures collapsed. Thousands of homes were destroyed or burned in the aftermath of the fires caused by the earthquake. The impact caused a tsunami near Atami in Sagami Bay, reaching a height of 12 meters, destroying 155 homes and killing 60 people, per Britannica.

Read also: 6.2-magnitude earthquake hits Guam; Aftershocks are likely in the coming hours

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