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Eight people were killed in a 6.2-magnitude earthquake on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, while rescuers search for more victims

Eight people were killed in a 6.2-magnitude earthquake on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, while rescuers search for more victims


Authorities in Indonesia continue to dig through the rubble of collapsed buildings and mud from landslides for more victims a day after a powerful earthquake hit the island of Sumatra, killing eight people, injuring 86 and leaving thousands homeless.

Key points: The epicenter was about 12 kilometers underground, more than 5,000 people fled their homes to makeshift shelters, and the tremors were felt in neighboring Malaysia and Singapore.

The earthquake, measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale, struck about 66 kilometers northwest of Bukittinggi, a mountainous town in West Sumatra province, according to the US Geological Survey.

Its epicenter was about 12 kilometers below the surface and people in neighboring Malaysia and Singapore also felt the earthquakes.

At least five people, including two children, were killed in Basaman district and three people died in neighboring West Basaman district.

Survivors took refuge in temporary shelters in Pasaman Barat, West Sumatra (AP: Ardhy Fernando)

Rescuers are still searching for six villagers believed to be buried under tons of mud that fell from the surrounding hills caused by the earthquake.

At least 435 homes and buildings were damaged and more than 5,000 people fled their homes to temporary shelters, mostly in the devastated areas of Basaman and West Basaman districts, the areas closest to the epicenter, agency spokesman Abdul Mahari said in a statement.

“We remain focused on search and rescue efforts for the victims,” ​​said Mr. Mahari.

The authorities are still investigating the full extent of the damage.

“The earthquake destroyed everything”, causing damage to about 410 homes and buildings (Associated Press: Ardi Fernando)

Ahmed Noor, a resident of Talamaw village in West Basaman district, said people fled their homes in search of safer places when the quake struck.

He said he was preparing to open his shop in a nearby market and came home to check on his family.

He said his house was damaged and his wife was in pain because her leg was hit by debris.

“Thank God…my wife and our two children managed to escape when the walls started falling,” Mr. Noor said.

“The earthquake destroyed everything in my house, but I am thankful that my wife and children are safe…with only minor injuries.”

He said he and other survivors have set up makeshift tents near the government office and are waiting for relief from the government or volunteers.

Authorities were still investigating the full extent of the damage (Associated Press: Sorio Wibowo)

Dwikorita Karnawati, head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency, said there was no danger of a tsunami, but warned of possible aftershocks.

Television reports showed panicked people rushing into the streets in Padang, the capital of West Sumatra province, and patients at a hospital in West Pasaman being evacuated from the building.

Reports also showed mud-filled avalanches from landslides caused by the earthquake, and a mosque, a school and several homes flattened.

Rubble is scattered inside a badly damaged mosque in West Basaman district, West Sumatra (AP: Ardhy Fernando)

A video clip on social media showed residents gathering in the streets after tall buildings in Kuala Lumpur swayed for a few seconds. Eyewitnesses said their doors and seats shook and pictures and paintings swayed on the walls.

Indonesia, a vast archipelago of more than 270 million people, is frequently hit by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis because of its location on the Ring of Fire, an arc of volcanoes and fault lines in the Pacific basin.

In January 2021, a 6.2-magnitude earthquake killed at least 105 people and injured nearly 6,500 in West Sulawesi Province.

A powerful earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004 killed nearly 230,000 people in more than a dozen countries, mostly in Indonesia.





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