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PT XL Axiata Tbk: After the earthquake in West Pasaman XL, Axiata ensured that the network returned to normal and emergency donations distributed

PT XL Axiata Tbk: After the earthquake in West Pasaman XL, Axiata ensured that the network returned to normal and emergency donations distributed



West Pasaman, February 27, 2022. PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL Axiata) has ensured that as of Sunday morning (27/2), communication and data networks have resumed their normal operations, after the 6.2 magnitude earthquake that rocked the West Pasaman Regency, In the west. Sumatra, Friday morning (2/25). Shortly after the strong earthquake, services encountered problems due to power outages. The XL Axiata team in the field immediately carried out the recovery effort shortly after discovering the outage. The XL Axiata team continues to work as much as possible to restore services in West Pasaman.

XL Axiata West Region Group President, Desy Sari Dewi, said, “As of Sunday afternoon, we are making sure the network is back to normal so that residents of West Pasaman can use it to communicate. As part of the West Pasaman community, XL Axiata expresses its deepest condolences for the earthquake that causing casualties and damage, and our team, including in the field, is working hard to ensure network conditions at the disaster site.”

Daisy added that restoring the network is a priority for the XL Axiata team in the field so that it can be used immediately by the community, as well as to support the emergency response process and the handling of victims by the relevant authorities. Although the grid has been restored, XL Axiata’s technical team is still on the ground, ready to anticipate the aftershocks of the earthquake. In addition, the XL Axiata team also ensures that Starter and Extra Credit packages as well as XL and AXIS packages are available in stores in the West Pasaman area.

In the West Pasaman Regency, XL Axiata owns more than 140 BTS, over 70 of which are 4G LTE. Meanwhile, across West Sumatra province, XL Axiata owns a total of over 3,300 BTS, of which 1,700 BTS is 4G LTE.

XL Axiata staff distributes assistance

XL Axiata employees through the XL Axiata Ta’lim Council (MTXL) once again distribute emergency aid to disaster-affected residents. This week (27/2) the XL Axiata team will immediately deliver aid to locations in need. In the meantime, the aid will focus on distributing it to the districts of Kagai and Talu villages, Talamao district and West Basaman state, which are the worst affected areas, where dozens of homes were severely damaged, many residents were injured and evacuated.

According to the president of MTXL Axiata, YanuarTirtaKumaya, this distributed aid is the result of infaq money being collected from XL Axiata employees which is routinely collected every month and managed by his party for distribution to the people entitled to it. Assistance in the form of basic daily needs such as rice, cooking oil, tea, sardines, chicken eggs, sugar and coffee is urgently needed for the people currently affected by the earthquake in West Bassaman. We hope this help is helpful.




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