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A section of the San Andreas fault line could be more catastrophic than previously thought

A section of the San Andreas fault line could be more catastrophic than previously thought


The San Andreas Fault extends across California, and if that fault were to break, there would be a catastrophic impact that could claim many lives, according to a study.

(Photo: BANARAS KHAN/AFP via Getty Images)

The main divisions of the San Andreas Fault

This continental fault is about 800 miles long and extends deep beneath some of California’s most densely populated areas, such as Daly City, Desert Hot Springs, Frazier Park, and Palmdale, threatening to trigger an earthquake as two tectonic plates slowly grind against each other.

To explain the dangers of this San Andreas fault, analysis shows that the three-section plates in San Andreas attempt to move independently of each other in different directions, but that two of these plates seem to rub against each other and are dangerously stuck together.

Once they struggle to break free and that continues and after years or decades of penetration, the impact can cause a very severe earthquake.

If this error occurs, it may cause a huge disaster that leads to fires, building collapse and transportation accidents. From an estimate, about 1,800 people could lose their lives from the impact.

From recent studies, the center section appears to be the main site of past and recent earthquakes.

“This means that we can get larger earthquakes in the central section than we thought,” said Genevieve Covey, lead author who conducted the research at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

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Catastrophic earthquakes hosted by San Andreas

In 1906, a 7.9-magnitude earthquake in San Francisco killed about 3,000 people, and is believed to have been caused by the building’s scale energy. In 1989, the M6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake killed more than 60 people. In 1994, the M6.7 Northridge earthquake near Los Angeles killed about 60 people.

According to the research, these earthquakes come from a small area in the central section near the South Station and are estimated to occur every 20 years. This estimate may play a large role in the study of the hypothesized time of the next earthquake.

In addition, research shows that heating of rocks can show or detect when a fault is moving and can explain the magnitude of an upcoming earthquake, according to The Independent.

Stronger earthquakes likely to occur in central California

From the observations, it found crumbly black material in the sedimentary rocks located between 3,192 and 3,196 meters below the surface showing signs of about 100 earthquakes. These quakes, caused by the jump in the fault, had a magnitude of 6.9, the same size as the earthquake that occurred in 1989.

“Ultimately, our work indicates the potential for earthquakes of greater strength in central California and highlights the importance of including the center [San Andreas Fault] and other creeping errors in seismic hazard analysis.

From recent reports, researchers are discovering methods for early detection of these earthquakes, and thus people are advised not to get too upset. Although these earthquakes are inevitable, these new methods work for positive preparation for the upcoming event.

Related article: The 5 deadliest earthquakes ever recorded around the world

For more news and updates on earthquakes and similar topics don’t forget to follow Nature World News!




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