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40,000 dead: The UK was the only gross landmark in the United States for the second time – BBC News


The UK has surpassed a huge milestone – more than 40,000 people have died after testing positive for coronavirus. Great Britain is the second country in the world to achieve this number, with the United States being five times larger than the United Kingdom.

There have been 357 deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 40,261 in the UK.

There is new evidence in the community that the number of new infections is declining. A National Statistics Office for Adults and Children in Private Housing estimates that in May last week, 1,000 people in England tested positive for coronavirus. The 400 fell to 1 last week. However, it does not gather people in hospitals and care.

However, one study suggests that the number of new cases is growing in part of England.

Clive Myrie presents BBC News in the Ten Reports of Science Editors Hugh Pym, Allan Little and David Shukman.

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