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Earthquakes, snakes, and medicines in 1974


Editor’s Note – We continue our tradition by looking back every Saturday for some important, exciting or even individual events as reported during the same week over the years, along with interesting advertising features from the past.

This week in 1886, the Hillsborough News Herald, in news from Lynchburg, reported that many citizens visited Queen City, the school council met to take action on a proposal to form a new district in the town and a gang of workers descended on swamps on Hana’s land to fight a battle with ” Regiment of rattle snakes. “

Father promised the Wolfe & Co. For $ 10 gold for the farmer’s wife who sold her the largest pound of turkey, and $ 5 gold for the biggest turkey of her own breeding.

It was reported that the celebration of Memorial Day in Hillsboro brought majestic celebrations in the surrounding cities, with the handing over of the title decoration Albert Douglas, Jr. from Chillicothe. The newspaper pointed out that it was appropriate to honor those who “fought noblely in the war of rebellion about 20 years ago.”

a. Keys had a six-room house for rent in Hoagland’s Crossing, and Asa Haynes owned pure German carp for sale on Spring Lake Ranch for $ 8 per hundred.

This week in 1935, the Hillsboro News Herald reported that in terms of sales of new cars and trucks in the county, 62 passenger cars and three trucks were sold as of this point of the year, and that Chevrolet had led the way over Plymouth and Ford.

At Bell Theater, “Women Whispered Her Name … Men Laughed But Remember” in “The Story of Drake Temple” starring Myriam Hopkins and Jack Larrow. Then next Saturday, it was another story about the Old West where Tim McCoy and Joyce Compton starred in “Fighting for Justice”.

Meanwhile, in the forum theater, she is described as “the most exciting image he has ever made”, as George O’Brien and Moren O’Sullivan starred in Zane Gray in “Robbers Roost”.

In Lisciandro Bros. On North High Street in Hillsboro, special weekend specials included Mother Hubbard’s original egg noodles, with 8-ounce cellophane bags that sell two for 19 cents, a 5-pound gold medal bag was 23 cents and two pounds of strong Santo coffee had Whole body fresh daily, 33 cents.

A slight earthquake caused plaster of walls and windows to crack in the homes of Brown and Adams County. Southern Ohio and northern Kentucky residents described her as low-rumble, as a child from Ripley was kicked out of his swing but was unharmed.

In News from Price Town, 126 schools attended the Bible on Sunday with a $ 2.89 offer, and Homer Purdy and an Akron family were visiting their relatives and visited Eleven Jones and family relatives in Kentucky.

There was a blue and gold tent theater in the parking lot at Texaco Filling Station on West Main Street in Hillsboro for the arrival of the Bellroy Comedians at a Big Show on June 8, 1935. The Biggest, Most Beautiful, Fastest Step and Best Chorus in America! “

This week in 1974, the Greenfield Daily Times reported that crowded crowds at the Greenfield Amusement and Civic Center heard a terrible story about drug trafficking and addiction from a drug agent.

It was a record crowd at Fruitdale Sportsman Square on Moxley Road for a Motocross sports event. An audience of 1,000 to 1,500 viewers is estimated to have 261 contestants competing for money and prizes.

At Big Lu & Dairy Queen at Greenfield, the midweek special was the Big Lu sausage sandwich for 39 cents. For a big man’s appetite, the two-mushroom delicacy was 69 cents.

An announcement for Hop in the Woods Furniture called on customers to stop for a chance to win a new Cadillac in 1974 to be abandoned during the 50th anniversary sale in August.

Greenfield Office of Hillsboro Bank & Savings Co. asked Whether your money is earning as much as it should in advertising. A deposit of $ 1,000 in a three-year certificate of deposit will earn an annual yield of 6.66 percent, while the same amount in a 90-day disk will give 5.56 percent.

Clint Eastwood returns in Det. Harry Callahan in “Magnum Force”, then Steve McQueen collaborated with Ali McGraw in “The Getaway”, both of which appear at Ranch Drive-In.

Highlander Ford offered to pay customers gas to make them “take a scenic trip” to Bainbridge and test a wide range of Ford cars and trucks.

This week in 2002, The Times Gazette reported that eight seniors in Highland County were both beneficiaries of the Ernie Blankenship grants. Todd Ford, Scott Morgan, Messi Marsh, Lauren Shad from Hillsboro, Emily Gossett from Greenfield, Brittany Allen from Lynchburg Clay and Rachel Bellamy from Whitwalk and Lynette Kissling from Fairfield each received $ 1,000.

FFA member Tessa Eppley appeared on the front page explaining to kindergarten student the appropriate way to milk a cow.

The obituary of the woman who honors the Bainbridge Fall Festival of Leaves Paghantt appeared in the paper. Lauren Granger, who was a retired and liked teacher at the Paint Valley School, died at the age of 81 on May 30, 2002.

The Greenfield Police Department hosted the Student Police Academy “02” for students at Greenfield Middle School, which allowed them, over a period of six weeks, to experiment with various aspects of the crime scene investigation.

Volunteers who donated their time to instill students’ love of reading were recognized at the end of the school year from “Rokn Al-Assad”. Ruth Hussey, Donica Collier, Dean Link, Colin Lewis, Rebecca Hackathorn, Carol Davidson, Nancy Holiday and Carol Justin were recognized for their work.

In sports, Chris Arant of Whiteoak qualified for state track by finishing second in the regional long jump.

Reaching Tim Colliver at 937-402-2571.

A look back at news and advertising material over the years

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