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Game Score: Columbus Crew vs San Jose Earthquakes

Game Score: Columbus Crew vs San Jose Earthquakes


After a landslide 4-0 win to start the 2022 MLS regular season, the Columbus Crew played a much different game against the San Jose Earthquakes in a 3-3 draw on Saturday night. Columbus came down early and scored two goals, then missed it in the last ten minutes.

Here’s how we rank individual performances from the crew.


Eloy Room (4.5) – In the ninth minute of the penalty spot, Room grabbed a finger from Cristian Espinosa’s shot but it wasn’t enough to stop the powerful kick from the penalty mark. The room witnessed three shots on goal during the game and one was saved. On San Jose’s other two goals, Roome didn’t come close to either opportunity. The first 84th minute witnessed the goalkeeper’s fall in front of a close opportunity to save it, which was difficult to stop. In the sixth minute of the second half pause, the room remained stationary on a thunderous header to cost Black and Gold two points.

Pedro Santos (6.5) – As the new left-back, Santos achieved his second solid performance in a row with the team. Offensively, Santos sent several cross passes, but he had a greater impact on the defensive side of the ball. Santos cleared the ball three times, stopped three passes, and stopped three pass attempts.

Jonathan Mensah (5.5) – On the playing track, San Jose had none. Mensah put in a good defensive performance, but the fall in the penalty area at the end of the match was significant. It wasn’t a foul against Mensah, but Francisco Calvo’s jump was marked by Mensah in the last moments of the match.

Milos Degenek (5.0) – Agree with the penalty kick or not, Degenek’s foul resulted in the penalty kick in the ninth minute. The central defender’s pins hit the foot of midfielder Paul Marie, who would have been described as a foul anywhere on the field. Overall, Degenek had a solid performance that was unfortunately highlighted by one mistake.

Stephen Moreira (7.5) Moreira played a great match in Black and Gold. Perhaps that was his best, which says a lot given how brilliant he has been since joining in late 2021. Moreira’s pass in the 40th minute came from two broken steps that were near the penalty area. Throughout the match, any rare opportunity on the offensive end of San Jose was met with strong pressure from Moreira.

Darlington Ngby (6.5) – Ngbe played a game expected of a midfielder. He completed 100 percent of his 43 passes and seismic attention passes with a whistle. Nagbe usually receives attention because of how well he maintains control under pressure. In the 33rd minute, he was fouled by Jumeirah Montero due to the VAR technique. At 72, Nagbe fouled on the edge of the penalty area which led to Zelarayán’s free kick goal.

Arthur (6.0) – Arthur put in a phenomenal performance against the Whitecaps to start the season, but came back a bit to the ground against San Jose. This is by no means an insult, but Arthur was not shooting and attacking in the same way against San Jose. However, Arthur performed well in midfield, making no mistakes and passing with 91%.

Lukas Zelarayan (9.0) – This high rating isn’t just for his two goals, they’ve been fantastic. Zelarayán was all the crew needed in the facilitator when attacking. San Jose had no answer about his movement and his association with his teammates could have resulted in more goals had the defenders not fallen in the way of the shots. Goals are definitely part of the rating. Zelarayán’s first goal was the one that Crew’s supporters saw progressing or rising throughout the match from the others. The free kick (his seventh since joining Columbus in 2020) was a crowning forward and ended up saving the crew from losing the three points.

Yao Yeboah (4.5) – Yeboah reached a 90-minute fitness, playing nearly every minute of the match, but the performance was lacking. The winger was not as active in attack in the first half as on the first day. He found some stability early in the second half, hitting twice, but with two defenders in his way. In the 74th minute, Yeboah fought his only serious run of the match but led an interference that he hoped was a foul against San Jose.

Derek Etienne Jr. (7.0) – Etienne’s score would have been much higher if his shots found the net. He consolidated his position as a key left winger with dangerous and well-timed passes behind the defense and attempts on goal. Against a team that wasn’t sitting at the back, with only 10 men, those shots would have scored the goal. He’s added an assist to his season stats line.

Miguel Perry (5.5) – Perry didn’t add dangerous chances on goal. His only solid chance came in injury time in the first half when Perry received the ball, turned to his left with time to shoot on goal but sent the ball wide. Perry showed clear frustration after the error, but he still had his positives. The connection with his teammates in the final third was strong and he was selfless at the times he was called.


Gyasi Zardes (6.0) – Zardes entered the match for Perry in the 65th minute. In 68, Zardes got the score sheet. Bringing Zardes for Berry is a change-like change that gives the crew no performance dip up front.

James Igbekeme (5.0) – Igbekeme came in too late for fans to see a lot of him in the first game of the season. Against San Jose, the loaner had time to show his skill on the field. He played well with the extra minutes, pressing Quakes’ midfield, blocking the ball and a good shot that deflected. Igbekeme received a yellow card after a late foul that led to San Jose’s second goal.

Aidan Morris (not available) Morris came in in the 89th minute and played seven minutes including injury time. He got a foul on the crew after he was saved near the goal line, showing the crowd Morris was famous for on the field.

Jalil Anbaba (N/A) – Anbaba received a yellow card in the fifth minute of stoppage time in the second half, just four minutes after entering the field.


Caleb Porter (7.0) – Porter made the same 11 games in his first game of the season, and the team played a strong 75 minutes. Porter’s alternatives made sense. Artur was still building his physique, Zardes came in and scored and Maurice/Anpapa came to help finish the match. Unless you were hoping Porter would enter the penalty area and tag the men, there isn’t much else he could have done to stop the final 10 minutes of the match.




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