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Using GNSS to monitor crustal deformation – ScienceDaily

Using GNSS to monitor crustal deformation – ScienceDaily


A research paper published on February 9 in Earth Planets and Space by Japanese Earth science researchers analyzed the possibility of a dense network of Global Navigation Satellites (GNSS), which are installed in mobile phone base stations, to monitor crustal deformation as an earthquake early warning indicator. . Activity. The results showed that data from the cell phone network could rival the accuracy of data from the government-run GNSS network, while providing more complete geographic coverage.

Crustal deformation around plate boundaries, active faults, and volcanoes are monitored to assess the accumulation of strains that lead to major seismic events. GNSS networks have been established worldwide in regions prone to volcanoes and earthquakes, such as Hawaii, California, and Japan. Data from these networks can be analyzed in real time for tsunami forecasting and earthquake early warning systems.

The Japan GNSS Network (GEONET) is operated by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. While GEONET has been central to Earth science research, its layout of an average of 20-25 kilometers between sites limits observations of crustal deformation in some areas. For example, earthquakes of magnitude 6-7 on active faults in inland Japan have fault lengths of 20-40 km; The GEONET site spacing is slightly insufficient to measure its deformation with an accuracy suitable for use in predictive models.

However, Japanese cell phone companies have created GNSS networks to improve location information for purposes such as automated driving. The new study investigates the potential of the SoftBank Corporation’s GNSS network to play a role in crustal deformation monitoring. With 3,300 locations in Japan, this private company oversees 2.5 times as many locations as the government’s GEONET system.

“By using these observational networks, we aim to understand crust deformation at a higher resolution and search for unknown phenomena that have not been found so far,” explained study author Yosaku Ota, a geologist and assistant professor in the Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University.

The study used SoftBank GNSS raw data from mobile base stations to assess their quality in crustal deformation monitoring. Two data sets were analyzed, one from a seismically quiet nine-day period in September 2020 in Japan’s Miyagi Prefecture, and the other from a nine-day period involving a 7.3-magnitude earthquake off the coast of Fukushima on February 13, 2021 in Fukushima Prefecture. .

The study authors found that SoftBank’s dense GNSS network can monitor crustal deformation with reasonable accuracy. said Earth scientist Mako Ozuno, assistant professor at Hokkaido University.

Looking ahead, they expect that combining SoftBank and government-operated GEONET sites could lead to better spatial resolution results for a more detailed error model. In the study area of ​​Fukushima Prefecture, combining the networks would result in an average GNSS site density of 1 site per 5.7 km. “It indicates that private sector GNSS monitoring networks can play a complementary role to GNSS networks operated by public organizations,” Ota said.

The study paved the way for consideration of the synergies between public and private GNSS networks as a seismic monitoring resource in Japan and elsewhere. “The results are important for understanding the phenomenon of earthquakes and volcanic activity, which can contribute to disaster prevention and mitigation,” Ohzuno noted.

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Materials provided by Tohoku University. Note: Content can be modified according to style and length.




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