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EU, WHO join forces to improve global health security and access to medical products and health technologies in Africa

EU, WHO join forces to improve global health security and access to medical products and health technologies in Africa
EU, WHO join forces to improve global health security and access to medical products and health technologies in Africa


On 23 March 2022, Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships, and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus met in Geneva to discuss the EU-WHO partnership in global health and ongoing preparations for global pandemic prevention, preparedness and response agreement. Two senior representatives of partner organizations signed a letter of intent for the EU’s contribution to the World Health Organization of 24.5m euros to support local production and access to vaccines, medicines and health technologies in sub-Saharan Africa.

Thanking Commissioner Urpilainen, Dr Tedros commented: “One of the most obvious lessons of the pandemic is the urgent need to increase local vaccine production, especially in low- and middle-income countries. WHO is grateful to the EU for this new project that will empower African countries and partners to ensure equal access to safe, effective, high-quality and affordable essential medicines and other health products for their populations. “

The new initiative is designed to empower African countries and partners such as the African Union to further enable local production of medical products and health technologies by promoting regulatory convergence across the continent, supporting technology transfer and capacity building for local production and improving demand consolidation and strategic purchases. .

Commissioner Urpilainen and Dr Tedros also highlighted the rich cooperation between the EU and the WHO to help achieve universal health coverage (UHC). Dr. Tedros stressed that the WHO is grateful to the EU for its strong and lasting commitment to the UHC. Together, we provide critical support in 115 countries to ensure that all people, especially the most vulnerable, have access to quality, affordable health services when and where they need it. ” Under the EU-WHO Partnership for Strengthening Health Systems 2019-2022, the EU has already allocated $ 168 million to the WHO to help countries design and implement interventions to strengthen national health systems, address the threat of COVID-19 and promote inclusive recovery after a pandemic.

During the meeting, the EU and WHO also reviewed ongoing efforts to improve the global health architecture with a strong WHO at the center, including through preparations for a global agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. Welcoming the key role of the EU in promoting this initiative, Dr Tedros said these discussions provided a unique opportunity to strengthen the global health architecture to protect and promote the well-being of all people.

WHO has a long-standing strategic partnership with the EU as they work together to support countries in building systems for sustainable, sustainable and inclusive development through the promotion of health and well-being, strengthening health systems and preparedness and response to health emergencies. Between 2020 and 2021, the EU consolidated its position as the World Health Organization’s 5th largest contributor with $ 466 million, reaffirming its leading role in global health.

Read more about a strategic partnership between the EU and the WHO




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