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Tokyo utility asks US military to provide power after earthquake that destroyed power plants

Tokyo utility asks US military to provide power after earthquake that destroyed power plants
Tokyo utility asks US military to provide power after earthquake that destroyed power plants


In Tokyo, lights dimmed and heating reduced this week after a call from the Japanese government to save energy amid supply problems. (Seth Robson/Stars and Stripes)

TOKYO – US military bases in and around the Japanese capital are asking service members to save power amid a sudden cold snap and an earthquake that damaged power plants.

In Tokyo, lights dimmed and heating reduced this week after a call from the government to save energy amid supply problems.

A 7.4-magnitude earthquake on March 16 destroyed thermal power plants in northeastern Japan in the same area as a massive earthquake and tsunami that killed nearly 16,000 people and damaged the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in March 2011.

Temperatures dropped to nearly zero Tuesday as snow fell on US bases. Meanwhile, Tokyo Electric Power Corporation, or TEPCO, has warned of power outages due to high demand, Kyodo News reported that day.

“Due to the recent cold temperatures, reduced solar production, and the Fukushima earthquake of March 16, 2022, TEPCO’s electricity supplier has asked Yokota to try to reduce its electricity use for a few days,” the 374th Civil Engineer Squadron said Wednesday in a letter to the facility. “. Managers at the US Army Japan home in western Tokyo.

The letter said there were no immediate plans to turn off the heating to reduce energy.

“We ask that you turn off anything electrical that you can provide such as lights, computer screens, televisions, etc.,” the letter read. “If you need to keep things for your task, keep them.”

At Camp Zama, the US-Japanese military headquarters in nearby Kanagawa Prefecture, officials posted a similar message Wednesday on the garrison’s official Facebook page.

Japanese officials are asking everyone to turn off non-essential lights, lower their thermostats and help cut energy consumption today to avoid a potential electricity shortage. Let’s lend a helping hand! The message said.

A week ago, Zama posted an article on the Army’s official website in which he said officials hope to drastically reduce the garrison’s annual electricity bill of about $20.4 million.

“Whether it’s the garrison, the rental units, or someone else in the installation, it’s not free,” said Eduardo Zepeda Jr., president of the Public Works Department of Electricity and Air Conditioning at Camp Zama, in the report. “Someone has to bear the consequences.”

Zepeda said the garrison aims to reduce energy and water consumption by 2.5% annually.

“Unfortunately with [the coronavirus] And pretty much everyone stays inside, instead of going downhill, it has increased.”

The garrison policy is that during the colder months the temperature in people’s homes should not exceed 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The article said that in the warmer months, the cooling should not be below 76 degrees.

Use an extra blanket when sleeping to keep warm in the winter or fans to keep warm in the summer, Zepeda said.

Meanwhile, 374th Airlift Wing spokesman Lt. Danny Rangel said in an email March 11 that the Air Force is installing new thermostats in Yokota to limit the temperature range in essential homes.

“The new thermostats have occupancy sensors installed, so you’ll go into ‘relapse’ mode when you’re not home for more than 18 hours,” he said.

Staff Sergeant of the Air Force. Mark Billings, 33, of Syracuse, New York, said he will follow the official guidelines on saving energy. He said Thursday that new thermostats installed in his tower apartment last summer have not affected his comfort.

It didn’t make a difference to me and my wife,” Billings said.

The thermostats, which cost $18.7 million to install, Rangel said, will save an estimated $1.8 million in energy costs annually.

“However, there are no upfront costs to the government as the contractor will be repaid through the savings made over the next 21 years,” he said.




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