The Green Left Alliance launches a petition to accelerate the Zagreb Reconstruction Law
ZAGREB, June 7, 2020 – A coalition of six left-wing and green parties launched a petition on Tuesday to demand President Zoran Milanovic to call for an emergency meeting after the formation of the new parliament to adopt a new bill for reconstruction after a strong earthquake struck Zagreb on March 22.
The initiative is launched by the coalition of parties that we can! New Left, Workers’ Front, Sustainable Development for Croatia (ORaH), Zagreb is ours! And for the city.
Tomislav Thomasevich, who will head the coalition list in the July 5 parliamentary elections, told a news conference outside the government and parliament building in St. Mark’s Square in Zagreb on Sunday that the petition would be open for signature at several sites in the city and on the Internet. .
Tomasevic said it had been nearly two and a half months since the earthquake struck the capital and its environs and that many problems remained unresolved. “Two months after the earthquake, the Croatian parliament was dissolved without passing a bill on the reconstruction of Zagreb, which the current government had been announcing for weeks,” he said.
Given the upcoming elections and the fact that Parliament will take a summer vacation from July 15 to September 15, Tomasevic said that the coalition parties have decided to launch a petition to President Zoran Milanovic because, according to the constitution, the president can call an emergency session of parliament. In this case, the new parliament will start work immediately after its opening meeting, and the lawmakers will not go on vacation but will work on a new bill on the reconstruction of Zagreb and its surrounding areas.
Tomasevic said they were angry because only 16 families whose homes were badly damaged in the earthquake had access to state-funded housing. “Many families cannot find rented housing because the owners are reluctant to rent their apartments for a longer period and because they do not want to pay taxes to the state,” he said, accusing the government of tolerating the black market for renting an apartment. For decades.
Tomasevic said they are also angry that the government has yet to report on the damage to the European Solidarity Fund so that money can be withdrawn to Zagreb and its residents.
In conclusion, he said that he believed that because of all this, citizens would punish Milan Mayor Milan Bandic and Prime Minister Andrei Blinkovic’s ballot and put their faith in this alliance to fight for better laws.
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