Earthquake Information: Weak Mag. earthquake 2.8 – 25 km southeast of Adelaide Hills, South Australia, on Tuesday March 29, 2022 at 7:04 pm (GMT +10:30)
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Heathfield, South Australia (17.7 km west of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 2-5 seconds: We heard a loud noise and then the house shook, we immediately thought of an earthquake but made sure it wasn’t thunder coming out | 2 users found this interesting.
Hectorville, SA (29.1 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / 5-10 seconds: A long rumble like thunder. Too long to rumble to be a truck. Nobody in my house believed me, and by the time I got them all to turn on the tubes and mute the TV, it was over and they all thought I was crazy.
Near Nairn, Mount Parker, South Australia (9.3 km ESE from the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 2-5 seconds: I live a short distance from the Kanmanto mine and felt like they were exploding, this was more violent, I shook my feet and the whole house shook
near Whyalla, South Australia (252.8 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 20-30 seconds: A roaring sound outside the front of my house. Big truck rolling. It only lasted 30 seconds or so.
Rinella East (33 km west of the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / rumble, shaking / 2-5 seconds: I was standing in the kitchen and felt like the floor was shaking under me, moving from side to side in the house.
Flagstaff Hill (30.3 km west of the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / Very short: I felt no vibration but heard a roar that sounded like a freight train was passing through. The dogs suddenly stood up to switch positions
Nairn (2.6 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / rumble, shaking / 15-20 seconds: Weak shaking wondering if the main road has a big truck coming down or a big train passing by. Shake the windows. Indicated lack of earthquake direction
HALLETT COVE (36.4 km west of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild Vibration (MMI IV) / Horizontal Swing (lateral) / 2-5 sec: Sitting on my lounge chair, I felt the ground move laterally. I also felt a shock wave as a result of which I have a headache now.
Seaford altitude (42.2 km from the epicenter) [Map] Weak shaking (MMI III): Cups, glassware, and dolphin prickles on my kitchen cupboard I’m sitting next to, not sure if it could be the rumble of thunder or a little shiver
Near Craigburn Primary School on Flagstaff Hill (27.4 km west of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak Shake (MMI III) / Shake and Roll / 5-10 sec: A rolling that sounded like thunder and then a sudden horizontal movement that made everything shriek followed by more rolling thunder.
Aldgate, Adelaide Hills, South Australia (16.4 km WNW from epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 10-15 seconds: shaking and roaring, becoming more intense and then diminishing for about 1-10 seconds. The windows shook, some noise, like a very heavy train passing by.
Athelston, Campbelltown, South Australia (32.1 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III): Wooden windows shaking under my feet 2 glasses on the table next to each other shaking It was a big truck because I live in a suburb where heavy vehicles are not allowed and the plains don’t make things vibrate like that
Carrie Jolly (16.4 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild vibration (MMI IV) / horizontal swing (lateral) / 1-2 sec: A pressure wave affecting the ears. I heard a rumble like a heavy truck approaching for 1-2 seconds and then felt a rumble. unequivocal!
Mitcham (27.8 km WNW of the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / rumble, shaking / 2-5 seconds: Loud shaking from a distance, like a truck rolling in. More sound and vibration instead of vibration. Daughter on the floor below did not notice it. I’m on the top floor – although at the back it’s ground level but in the front it’s two stories tall.
Adelaide (27.3 km west of the epicenter) [Map] Very weak vibration (MMI II): General shaking in the home in the hall, such as watching TV. Gog raged and came to rest when the shaking began.
Adelaide (33.5 km west of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Horizontal (lateral) swaying / 2-5 sec: They stayed in the house on the bed, all the tenants felt the earthquake, the house and furniture were shaken, the windows. Same feeling 3 weeks ago when we had an earthquake of 3.8
Stratalpin (15.8 km south of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak rumble (MMI III) / rumble, shaking / 10-15 sec: Moderately loud rumble, like a truck but seems to feel (?) deeper. Shaking is barely noticeable. Puppies moderate dogs.
Adelaide, Rinella (35.1 km west of the epicenter) [Map] Very weak shaking (MMI II): I just sit in the lounge, watching TV. I felt it through the hall. I also got a text from a friend 3 blocks away asking if he just had a jolt. Livevin one-storey house.
Mount Parker, South Australia (5 km SW of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak (MMI III) / Single Lateral Shake / 2-5 sec: Sitting in the lounge, watching TV, it felt like an airplane had landed on the roof. The floor shook, windows and doors shook. It was so intense
Rinella, Onkaparinga, South Australia (32.5 km west of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / rattling, shaking / 1-2 sec: Walking around my house, I hear very loud rattling, I saw some items (eg TV, windows) vibrating in the house
Aldinga Beach (49.2 km from the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / Single head protrusion / Too short: Sitting downstairs. I suddenly felt shocked at home. I heard a very low rattling for a few seconds after the tremor.
Echunga, Mount Barker, South Australia (15.4 km south of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / rattling, shaking / 1-2 sec: Standing in the kitchen, I felt a low jolt in the floor then cupboards and windows that gave a slight rattling.
Nairn South Australia (1.9 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / rumble, shaking / 5-10 seconds: rumble then rolling rattling, windows and doors shaking mostly, some shaking of items inside
FLAGSTAFF HILL (28.6 km west of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / 30-60 seconds: Sitting in the living room. Loud roaring, then good vibration, crackling noises of windows. Count the tremor for 40 seconds. You could hear a rumble heading north.
114 ness rd Finniss 5255 (39.5 km SSW from the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 20-30 seconds: I sat on my bed and the windows started shaking and a glass of water was shaking and the house was creaking. It made me jump and stand.
Mount Parker (3.7 km from the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / Very short: I was standing about to put my daughter to bed, I heard a rattling I thought it was thunder but it continued
Hawthorne (25.6 km west of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / 30-60 seconds: Our house was constantly shaking, in several waves over the course of the minute we felt and heard the shaking. (reported by our app)
Beulah Park, South Australia / Weak shaking (MMI III) / rumble, shaking / 2-5 seconds: Weak, slight rattling, felt like a truck close to home. I felt movement and heard the walls and ceilings creak a little.
Oakbank / Moderate vibration (MMI V) / rumble, shaking / 2-5 seconds: It looks like a big truck is coming towards us. Barking dogs. The house shook weakly, slightly shaking, no fractures. Just a few seconds. The water was transferred into a bottle.
Littlehampton SA 5250 / Light shaking (MMI IV) / rumbling, shaking / 2-5 seconds: Before my dog ​​starts barking and wants to get in. My horses were restless and were walking along the fence near the house. House shaking and rumbling sound. It didn’t last long.
Valley view / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Rat, shaking / 1-2 seconds: Weak shaking. I heard and felt clatter. The dishes in the sink shook. A second later, we weren’t sure if it was an earthquake or not
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Sources 2/ https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/earthquakes/quake-info/6718411/quake-felt-Mar-29-2022-Near-Adelaide-CBD-South-Australia-Australia.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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