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Seismic activity rocks Adelaide, again – and the reason Australia is heading north

Seismic activity rocks Adelaide, again – and the reason Australia is heading north



Lightning may never strike twice, as the saying goes at least – but earthquakes certainly do.

Adelaide has had two noticeable tremors in the last month alone.

Cue the obligatory motion pictures of fallen garden chairs and memes with the phrase “We’ll Rebuild.”


But, aside from the fluctuations, it is a bit unusual for Adelaide to experience earthquakes in close succession.

A senior seismologist referred to a “cluster of events,” and says several factors come into play.

Which error?

Well, it’s actually the flaws.

The earthquake occurred just after 7 pm last night and measured 2.9 on the Richter scale, with its epicenter near Mount Parker in the Adelaide Hills.


It happened about three weeks later after an aftershock measuring 3.7 and 2.5 on the Richter scale, again near Mount Parker.

The Adelaide region is riddled with various fault lines that run from the Lofty Mountain Range through the northern and southern suburbs.

These faults have triggered a “batch of events” in recent weeks, said Jonathan Bathgate, a seismologist at GeoScience Australia.

“There are a number of known faults in this area,” he told ABC Radio Adelaide.

“The fault movement is actually the rock moving, so the sudden movement of the rock generates that [rumbling] the noise.”

Dr Bathgate said that while the latest quake was the second that attracted attention in recent weeks, there were actually several other tremors of varying magnitude.

“There’s been a huge amount of activity over the past month – this is the fifth event so far this month,” said Dr. Bathgate.

“This is somewhat unusual, with five in such a short period of time, but the area is very seismically active.

“[It’s] It’s probably one of the most active parts of the country – this region through Adelaide into the Flinders Range, along with the Gippsland region of Victoria and southwest Australia, is probably the three most active parts of the country, in terms of earthquakes.”

All about stress relief

The most significant earthquake in Adelaide in recorded history occurred on March 1, 1954.

It caused extensive damage, shattering windows and partial collapse of public buildings and homes.

“In 1954, there was a magnitude of 5.4 in central Adelaide, so there is certainly the potential for larger earthquakes in the area,” Bathgate said.

The 1954 Adelaide earthquake is still vividly remembered by those who experienced it (News/University of Adelaide)

Dr Bathgate said the recent earthquake had sent more than 2,500 reports to the National Seismic Warning Center in Canberra.

But the causes of the earthquake are global as much as they are local – Dr Bathgate said Australia’s continental drift has flux effects that affect local seismology.

“Australia is moving north by about 7 centimeters every year. We are colliding with our neighbors, the tectonic plates in the north and east,” he said.

“We sit in the middle of the plate and all of these stresses are transferred to the rocks inside the plate and we get motions along these fault lines.

“They’ve built up stress and they’re just releasing that pressure through a number of small earthquakes.”

shook, do not flip

In 2012, six Italian scientists were jailed after being convicted of manslaughter for reducing the risk of a deadly earthquake in the city of L’Aquila three years earlier.

The experiment sent shockwaves through the seismology community, and exposed fissures within the seismology community—while thousands signed a letter in support of fellow trapped colleagues, others thought they had carelessly downplayed the risks.

Damage from a strong earthquake in Croatia in 2020 (AP: Darko Bandic)

Dr Bathgate said “earthquake forecasting” is still an imprecise science but advised Adelaide followers to expect more earthquakes in the coming weeks.

“That’s what we’re really trying to work on. We’re not at the stage yet where we can definitely predict earthquakes to a certain point in time,” he said.

“Our effort goes into preparing the community to live with earthquakes like this and to build appropriately.

“Unfortunately, it’s not possible for us to say if we’ll get a larger earthquake of this sequence, but it wouldn’t surprise me if we get sustained activity at these 2 and 3 second magnitudes over the coming weeks.”

But because Australia is at the center of, not riven by, any major continental fault lines, its seismic history is free from the massive earthquakes that have devastated countries like New Zealand, Japan, Indonesia, Chile, and the United States.

“We had 6 degrees in 2016 in central Australia,” said Dr. Bathgate.

This created a 20 km long rift in the landscape, but it was in the middle of the desert.”




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