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The WHO is publishing a 10-year strategy for genomic surveillance of pathogens

The WHO is publishing a 10-year strategy for genomic surveillance of pathogens


The WHO is announcing a strategy to strengthen and increase genomic surveillance around the world.

Historically, several countries have routinely conducted genomic surveillance in the country, a technology considered complicated and expensive. But COVID-19 changed that.

Genomic surveillance is the process of constantly monitoring pathogens and analyzing their genetic similarities and differences. It helps researchers, epidemiologists and public health officials to monitor the development of infectious disease agents, warn of the spread of pathogens and develop countermeasures such as vaccines.

The Global Genomic Surveillance Strategy for Pathogens with Pandemic and Epidemic Potential 2022-2032 it is not specific for a single pathogen or disease threat. It provides a unifying, high-level framework for harnessing existing capacities, addressing barriers and strengthening the use of genomic surveillance worldwide.

Data collected by the WHO show that in March 2021, 54% of countries had this capacity. By January 2022, thanks to large investments during the COVID-19 pandemic, the number had increased to 68%. Even greater progress has been made in the public sharing of sequence data: in January 2022, 43% more countries published their sequence data compared to the year before.

Despite this rapid progress, much remains to be done. Each new technology carries the risk of increasing inequality, which is one of the shortcomings that this strategy aims at.

Various public health programs – from Ebola to cholera – use genomic surveillance to understand the pathogen at its molecular level, but COVID-19 highlighted the challenges of bringing genomics to scale.

The complexity of genomics and the challenges of maintaining capacity in a variety of settings, including labor needs, mean that most countries cannot develop these skills on their own. The global strategy helps us keep our eyes on the horizon and provides a unifying framework for action. The WHO looks forward to working with countries and partners in this important and very dynamic area.

– Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
WHO Director-General

“The complexity of genomics and the challenges of maintaining capacity in a variety of settings, including labor needs, mean that most countries cannot develop these skills on their own. The global strategy helps us keep our eyes on the horizon and provides a unifying framework for action. The WHO looks forward to working with countries and partners in this important and very dynamic area, ”said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “We will be best if we work together.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that health systems need genomic surveillance to quickly identify and address risks. This technology was key in this response, from the identification of a new coronavirus, to the development of the first diagnostic tests and vaccines, to the monitoring and identification of new variants of the virus.

“Genomic surveillance is key to stronger preparedness and response to pandemics and epidemics,” said Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director, WHO’s emergency program. “This pandemic has exposed the fact that we live in an interconnected world and that we are as strong as our weakest link. Improving global disease control means improving local disease control. That’s where we need to act, and this strategy will give us a foundation. ”

Read more about strategy here.




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