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Working together for effective, unified and inclusive global health management

Working together for effective, unified and inclusive global health management


The French government and the WHO met on March 11, 2022 for the annual strategic dialogue in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting was opened by N.E. Mr Jérôme Bonnafont, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Professor Jérôme Salomon, Director-General of Health, Ministry of Solidarity and Health, and Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO, Dr Hans Kluge, Regional Director for Europe and Dr Matshidiso Moeti, Regional Director for Africa. Discussions focused on how to strengthen the global architecture, including accelerating equal access to health technologies in response to COVID-19 through ACT-A; preparedness and response to emergency health situations; “One health approach”; WHO Academy; Universal health coverage; non-communicable diseases; and mental health. The two partners also discussed concrete measures to enhance co-operation with a view to developing a new French global health strategy.

Her Excellency, Ms. Stéphanie Seydoux, French Ambassador for Global Health and Dr. Tedros, agreed that this year’s strategic dialogue had a special impact given the increasingly alarming situation in Ukraine. “As we face an increasingly unstable world, the strategic partnership between France and the WHO is increasingly important,” Dr Tedros said. “I thank the French government for its long-standing commitment to safe, equitable and affordable health care for the most vulnerable.”

France is a key player in the global health arena and has a long and productive partnership with the WHO. To support the WHO’s key leadership role since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, France’s contributions to the WHO have doubled from $ 73 million in 2018-2019 to $ 141 million in 2020-2021. Moreover, in the last two years, France has become one of the five largest donors of thematic funding and remains one of the donors that continues to support the core account of voluntary contributions, providing valuable flexible funding for the Organization. In addition, France has now joined the Emergency Contingency Fund, which allows the WHO to respond quickly and disburse supplies and funds anywhere in the world in the event of a health emergency.

A leader in supporting innovative initiatives, France signed a in February 2022 a new € 50 million contribution agreement with the WHO supporting the ACT-Accelerator Health Systems and Response Connector to strengthen health systems in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Through our strategic partnership, we are working together to consolidate effective, unified and inclusive global health management,” said N.E. Mr. Bonnafont. “We were pleased to personally attend this year’s bilateral meeting, which was very fruitful, in Geneva,” added N.E. Mrs. Seydoux. “We have covered many specific areas of conversation and cooperation, in an acutely worrying context, and as we continue to deal with the unprecedented pandemic crisis.”

Read more about France’s strategic support to the WHO




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