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Local news: Earthquake expert weighs recent local earthquakes (4/5/22)

Local news: Earthquake expert weighs recent local earthquakes (4/5/22)


Small earthquakes, such as the one recorded near Wapabilo Lake on Sunday, rarely cause damage. But Missouri was once, for a brief period, the earthquake capital of America.

In 1811 and 1812, an area including Missouri – called the New Madrid Seismic Zone – experienced nearly 2,000 of the highest earthquakes ever recorded in North American history.

Things seem to have calmed down since then.

Geophysicist Don Blackman doesn’t spend most of his time educating regular folks about the science behind earthquakes, but he is patient and patient when he does. He certainly doesn’t spend much of his time focusing on the Missouri earthquakes—there weren’t enough of them.

When he works, Blackman is one of the shift seismologists at the National Earthquake Information Center in Colorado, part of the US Geological Survey. Despite being a scientist, Blackman’s job is very similar to that of a police officer: his top priority is to protect human life. Blakeman examines earthquakes around the world. If confined to Missouri, it may not have enough to study because earthquakes are uncommon in the Midwest.

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Blackman said the two recent earthquakes in Wayne County were not “response earthquakes,” and not strong enough to be of particular concern. Sunday’s earthquakes of magnitude 2.2 and 2.4 were recorded. Missouri (along with all of the eastern United States) requires an earthquake of magnitude 3 or higher to generate a response.

When asked what has changed in Missouri since 1811, Blackman said “Nothing.”

“There is nothing fundamentally geologically different from that time to now. Those earthquakes were an anomaly. They were extensively studied but hampered by the lack of science that existed at the time. We don’t have enough scientific information to really understand what happened. But nothing happened.” At this scale for 200 years. I think you should focus more on the usual situation rather than the remote possibility.”

When asked about the last time he encountered a “highly dangerous and risky” situation in Missouri, Blackman’s answer was “never.”

“I would never use those words. I would never call any situation ‘extremely dangerous’ or ‘extremely dangerous.’ I work on many large earthquakes around the world and I believe 90-95% of them occur at tectonic plate boundaries, such as California or Japan or Alaska or places above plate margins. The edge of a plate is crusty; it is essentially in the middle of the plate.”

However, Blackman was not prepared to completely rule out the possibility of a repeat of 1811 and 1812.

“I think there is a very, very small chance of trying Missouri again,” he said. “It’s very unlikely but we can’t say it’s impossible.” “No one can predict earthquakes. I can point to an area where an earthquake is likely but I can’t tell you its size, location, date and time. The science isn’t there. It’s a difficult problem that no one has that has popped up yet.”

Today, we are better at dealing with disasters that come from above, such as hurricanes and hurricanes. Blackman explained that satellite coverage changed the world without doing much for earthquakes.

Satellite technology has revolutionized early warning systems for most major weather events, but “we don’t have the same kind of situation with earthquakes. It’s a different problem. We can’t just look and measure pressures like you do with weather. You can measure some things about earthquakes, but there are Limits. We can’t predict earthquakes. Nobody can.”

The earthquakes that struck southeastern Missouri on Sunday did not call Blackman’s attention. The primary purpose of his job is to help governments, emergency crews and the people themselves respond to a disaster. Earthquakes in Missouri, if they occur at all, usually do not pose an imminent threat to human life and property.

His office typically recognizes and reports US earthquakes less than 20 minutes after they occur.

“When you have a really big and devastating earthquake, so much infrastructure is damaged that it’s hard for people to report what happened. They may not be able to call for help. By getting the seismic information quickly, we allow rescue to happen quickly.”




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