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Sudan prepares for “April 6 earthquake” demonstrations against military rule

Sudan prepares for “April 6 earthquake” demonstrations against military rule


Sudan’s powerful pro-democracy movement called on its supporters in the capital and across the country to rally against military rule on Wednesday, telling protesters not to leave the streets before ruling generals are forced out.

The security forces were expected to deal harshly with the rallies dubbed “the April 6 earthquake” by the security forces, who closed the Nile bridges in Khartoum on Tuesday night and reinforced their presence around the sites where the demonstrators are likely to gather, such as the Republican Palace and the army headquarters.

There was widespread speculation that authorities would cut internet and phone services on Wednesday to thwart protest organizers’ efforts to coordinate.

The government declared Wednesday a national holiday.

But the Resistance Committees, the popular pro-democracy group that has led the near daily protests against military rule since army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan seized power last October, have been defiant.

Representatives of the Resistance Committees told reporters that “the April 6 earthquake will come as a spear in the chest of tyrants and a giant leap towards the change we aspire to.”

“We are entering this battle while the change that the revolutionaries dream of is approaching,” they said.

“People will come out tomorrow on the April 6 earthquake and will not go home until the dawn of eternal salvation comes.”

Another powerful pro-democracy group, the Sudanese Professionals Association, said in a statement that supporters of dictator Omar al-Bashir, who was ousted in 2019, planned attacks against public and state facilities to give security forces an excuse to use excessive force against protesters. Wednesday.

The rallies represent the 1985 uprising that toppled military dictator Jaafar al-Numeiri’s 16-year rule, and also the start of a sit-in outside the army headquarters in 2019 to demand al-Bashir’s ouster.

Army generals ousted al-Bashir on April 11 of that year, but protesters demanded that the military hand power to civilians. On June 3, security forces violently dispersed the sit-in, killing more than 100 protesters.

Two months later, the pro-democracy movement and the military reached a transitional power-sharing agreement, which General Al-Burhan abandoned when he seized power just weeks before handing him over to a civilian as the de facto head of state.

The investigation into the sit-in has not published its results more than two years after it began its work. Nor is much known about the fate of the investigations ordered by Brigadier-General Al-Burhan into the killing of demonstrators since his seizure of power and the alleged sexual assault by security forces on female demonstrators.

At least 92 protesters have been killed and nearly 3,000 injured since the coup in a massive crackdown on dissent that includes arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances of activists.

Meanwhile, the grand Umma Party joined pro-democracy groups in inviting Sudanese to rally on Wednesday. “There is no excuse for those who refrain from participating in the national salvation marches,” she said.

The coup by General Al-Burhan on October 25 derailed Sudan’s democratic transition and plunged the country into the worst economic crisis in decades.

Western powers suspended hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Sudan and suspended the debt relief program.

The United Nations says the number of people facing extreme hunger in Sudan will double to 18 million by September, and warns that the country is heading for chaos if the political crisis that has plagued it since the coup is not quickly addressed.

Major General Al-Burhan, who said he would only hand over power to an elected government, noted that the pro-democracy movement was a tool in the hands of Sudan’s foreign “enemies”, and equated it with criticism of the army’s treachery.

The second man in his command, General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, accused the anti-military activists of being agents on the payroll of foreign embassies.

Meanwhile, most Sudanese are unable to make ends meet in the face of rising prices for basic foodstuffs and fuel.

The pound has also depreciated against the US dollar, and power outages become more frequent at the time of the year when the temperature routinely exceeds 40 degrees Celsius.

Updated: Apr 06 2022, 6:28 AM




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